Page 90 of Bringing Emma Home

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The first time, he hadn’t let it bother him, but now he worried that what was going on between himself and Grace had spilled over into his relationship with Lucas. He had to admit that he wasn’t surprised. But their personal relationship was key to the success of their company.

He couldn’t lose his wife, and he didn’t want to lose his best friend and partner.

The dilemma had cycled through his mind, until the previous night when he’d woken with an idea. It was a poor one, at best, but it was all he could come up with.

If he took Grace away to Hilton Head for a few days without any outside interference, he might get a conversation going again, show her that he wanted to include her in Emma’s life and his.

If he could get today’s pile of work finished, he would be able to devote his time to his wife, and hopefully give them an opportunity to talk things out without his work cell ringing.

He still had to find a good kindergarten for Emma. He had two recommendations from staff at the office, and he had an appointment with each of them before the weekend. But he could send Lisa in his place if he managed to get Grace to consider a trip to Hilton Head.

He was about to open his computer and start his workday when Lisa came downstairs into the kitchen. “Aidan, while Emma is playing in her room, I have to talk to you.”

Aidan’s heart jumped into his throat. “Is it about Emma? Is she all right? She’s not sick, is she?”

“No. Emma’s doing really well. I’m truly amazed at how easily she’s settled in here. It’s me I need to talk to you about. I’ve been offered a job in Spartanburg. It’s full-time, looking after twin boys. It will mean I’ll be near my mother and able to care for her when needed. The pay and accommodations are good. The only problem is they want me on the job by the end of the month.”

That was a little over two weeks away. He’d planned on Lisa being here for another month, at least, so he had made no effort to replace her. “That sounds like the perfect job for you.”

She glanced at the pile of paperwork, then at him. “I hate to leave you so soon, and Emma is still missing her mom so much. But I feel that I need to take this position. Losing Deidre and watching Emma grieve has been very hard on me. I had always believed that I would be with them until Emma went to high school. They were as much a part of my family as my brothers and sisters, but that’s all changed now.

“I realize that you have plans for Emma, and I truly believe you will work things out with your wife. She’s a lovely person and Emma adores her. For me, an offer like this won’t come my way again, and I do need to be near my mother. Her health isn’t good and I’m the only daughter living here in the United States.”

Struggling to understand the effect this would have on Emma, Aidan tried to focus on what he needed to do next.

“It’s not going to be easy to replace you, Lisa. I wouldn’t have been able to manage without you these past few weeks. But of course, I understand. I’ll start looking for someone right away.”

“Thanks, Mr. Fellowes. I hope that you get your issues resolved with your wife. She is a natural when it comes to children. Emma is always asking when she’s coming to the house.”

“Thanks for saying that. There is nothing I’d like better than to have my wife back here with me, and with Emma…”

Lisa touched his arm consolingly. “You’ll figure it out. Over the next week I’ll stock up on supplies of food and things that Emma will need, regardless of who is caring for her. And I will look at those kindergartens, then give you my evaluation. I know what to look for where Emma is concerned. I helped Deidre pick the one in Spartanburg.”
