Page 93 of Bringing Emma Home

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Whoa. Lucas’s tone said he was angry, which said that Grace was, as well. But if he could reach Grace by having it out with Lucas, he’d do it. “Okay. See you in a few minutes.”

“You got it,” Lucas said before hanging up.

When Lucas arrived, a scowl dominated his features like a cloud before a downpour. “Coffee’s on,” Aidan said, taking two mugs from the cupboard. “Two creams?”

“Yep.” Lucas took the cup, had a quick sip, then leveled a look at Aidan he’d never seen before. “When are you going to fix things with my sister?”

“I’ve tried. She is still very angry about everything.”

“And that’s your excuse? Hell, Aidan, you can do better than that.”

“Lucas. She won’t talk to me. Ever since we stopped in at the hotel bar at Foley Beach the other night. She acted really strange and I could tell she was upset with being in the bar, being around singles… Or I assume that’s what it was.” Aidan put his cup down. “And I made a really dumb remark that didn’t help things.”

“Acting dumb is going around like a flu bug, it seems.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I talked to Grace.”

“What did she say?”

Lucas sipped his coffee, a glum expression on his face. “Not much.”

“Grace is still convinced that my relationship with Deidre went on a lot longer than it did.”

“Did it?” Lucas asked, his gaze fixed on Aidan.


“Then get your act together. Grace is hurt over your infidelity. That’s influencing everything for her.”

Aidan nodded slowly as Lucas’s words cut into him. “What a complete fool I’ve been.” Aidan scrubbed his face, felt the stubble along his chin. “My second mistake was to think that Grace would go along with what I thought was the best plan.”

Lucas nodded slowly. “Well, I can tell you that Grace is miserable, She just sits in my condo and knits. She doesn’t seem willing to talk to us, but something has to change. I just can’t watch my sister being so unhappy and not do something about it.”

“Lucas, I had an idea last night, but can’t do much about it if Grace won’t talk to me.”

“What’s your idea?” Lucas asked, a quick look of interest on his face.

“I thought I’d see if Grace would go away with me for a couple days. If we could find time alone, just the two of us, without any interruptions, maybe she could be persuaded to come home and try again with me.”

The emptiness of the house seemed magnified by his thoughts of Grace. “I miss her so much. I can’t imagine my life without her.”

“Okay, here’s what I’m going to do. I’ll talk to Maria and get her advice on how to convince Grace to see you. You let Grace know about the quilting fabric, didn’t you?”

“Yes. I did, but she didn’t answer my message.”

“My sister loves her quilting fabrics. That might be the easiest way to convince her to come over here. The rest will be up to you. Unless you have another idea…”

Rubbing his jaw in thought, Aidan said, “Emma’s nanny, Lisa, is leaving at the end of the month. She and I are going to talk to Emma tomorrow morning. What would you think if I asked Grace to be there? Am I being a total idiot to think she might be interested in being part of that?”

Lucas stared at him for a few minutes. “I honestly don’t know how she’d react. I’m pretty sure she likes Emma. In fact, my sister loves all children and wouldn’t want to see any child hurt. I guess you could call her and see what she says.”

“If you can get her to return my calls.”
