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“Not surprised you’re here for the auction—that big, handsome man’s gotta need more than one woman to satisfy him, huh?”

A few of the women laughed, and Rhianne did her best to join in with them. “Oh, I’m more than enough, I can assure you,” she replied, getting a fewooohsand a couple of claps in response. She clicked her fingers at the assistant standing at attention on the edge of the group, then pointed at the jug of iced water with lemon for him to pour her a glass. A nod dismissed him. Her mother, who tended to sharpness with servers and waitstaff, would be proud of her.

“Then what are you looking for here?” Kandi asked.

“Well, we want a maid who can also act as a nanny.”

That got understanding nods.

“You got children?” Danielle asked.

“Not yet.” Rhianne forced herself not to clutch the glass. She’d been gripping it so tightly she was surprised it hadn’t shattered.

“You model, right?” Sasha asked.

That had been the story they’d agreed on, how she’d met “Eli.” Eric had probably talked her up to the husbands, too, who’d passed on the gossip. “Some,” Rhianne agreed. “Not so much now.”

“So you don’t wanna mess up your figure. You’re looking for a surrogate to carry?” Sasha pursed her lips. “I don’t know if these girls are the best for that.” She gestured at the house.

“For…” It took Rhianne a few seconds to catch on. “Oh?”

“Yeah. I can give you the details of the place we used. It’s one of the best. Farther into Mexico, but it’s not like you gotta go there, right? They deliver to you.” Sasha laughed.

“But don’t some of this batch here get used for that?” Leandra asked. “I mean, the selling point is these are virgins, right? So no diseases, nothing messed up from previous pregnancies or procedures.”

“Depends what the buyer wants,” Danielle answered, as though it were obvious. The other women all nodded along as if it made perfect sense.

Rhianne got to her feet because she seriously thought she was going to be ill. She stood, fighting for air, and saw Eric approaching. For a second, she thought she was hallucinating, but he was really there, striding toward her. She thought she’d heard the rumble of an engine—it seemed the bus was back with the men.

His expression struck her—she couldn’t describe it but couldn’t take her eyes off his face as he zeroed in on her.

“Come with me. Right now,” he demanded.

Rhianne cast a concerned look around the women, but only smiles and a couple of giggles greeted Eric’s demand.

“He’s been out shooting,” Leandra said knowingly. “Handling a big gun…does something to a man.” She licked her lips.

Rhianne didn’t know how she managed it, but she winked at the group and let Eric lead her back to their cabana. He shut and locked the door, then held his finger to his lips and started sweeping the place.

She hadn’t thought of it until that moment, but it really was possible that Arturo had had another bug planted while they were both away. She waited impatiently for Eric to finish checking the room. Someone had replaced the broken lamp with one similar, but Eric found no electronic device in there or anywhere. They were safe, for now.

“What’s wrong?” she asked in a whisper. “What happened?”

“Arturo had a guy murdered in front of us,” came Eric’s answer, one that had her clutching at the back of a chair to stay upright. “It was a warning. Don’t mess with the cartel, or you’ll pay the ultimate price.”

“Eric.” Rhianne had to force her breath out past the enormous lump in her throat. “The women were talking about what the girls are used for…” She shook her head. She couldn’t bring herself to say the words. Eric would have to imagine. “I want to get Robyn out before the auction starts. We can position ourselves by the door, be ready to grab her and make a run for it.” She held up her hand to stop him from interrupting. “If we wait until she’s auctioned off, we may not be able to win her. She’s just the sort of ‘prize’ the other guests are here for.” She dashed an angry tear from her eye.

“No.” Eric’s face was set. “We can’t rush this, or we’ll end up in a firefight that puts everyone—including Robyn—in danger. Rhianne, trust me. Keep faith in me.”

“Faith inwhat? You aren’tdoinganything. So far, all you’ve been is cautious, and I’m worried about what that caution will cost me.”Robyn.She glared at him, and he stared back, unmoving, showing no emotion. It was Rhianne who broke eye contact first.

“Look, I’ll do my best to go along with what you say, okay? I don’t want to blow this.” That was the most she could promise. She left unspoken the vow that she wouldnotleave without Robyn, no matter what she had to do. Eric continued to regard her, his expression unreadable. Rhianne heaved a sigh. “I’m going to take a shower.” She needed to be alone for a few minutes to cool down. As she strode off, she saw Eric pull out his phone. He must have been updating Charlie on events.

Events were happening fast.

The clock was counting down to the auction…and things were getting more dangerous by the hour.

