Page 38 of Unmistakable Mate

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“Hey.” Maya tilted his face back up to look at her when he started to look distant again. “You don’t have to decide her future or ours tonight. We have time. We can talk to her and figure out what would be best. It doesn’t need to be decided right now.”

Zander reached up and took her hand from his face, kissing her knuckles gently, “My future is already decided. It’s you. As long as I have you, we can figure everything else out.”

“You have me.” Maya said softly, “You’ll always have me.”

Zander leaned over and took her mouth with his. Maya moaned as the heat that was always between them sparked into a wildfire. Over the past few days the bond between them had grown and the mating heat had grown nearly unbearable. She’d kept them busy, visiting her family, showing him the territories, teaching him about her people, because it was easier to ignore it when it could settle into a low, thrumming burn. But the instant Zander’s lips touched her it was like pouring gasoline on a bonfire and she felt like she was going up in flames.

A growl escaped her lips and Zander answered with one of his own. He wrapped his arms around her and hauled her onto his lap. She straddled his waist, rubbing her ass along the thick length she felt growing beneath her, in his shorts. Zander’s hands tangled in her hair, pulling so hard the slice of pain sent a shiver down her spine. Her wolf purred at the sensation and Maya rubbed herself against him as her animal pushed against her restraints, wanting to put her scent all over him.

She bit at his bottom lip, causing him to make that low, growling noise again, but she caught herself before she broke the skin. Not like this, she pleaded with her wolf to pull back. They weren’t going to mark him like this, not here and not now, not yet. She used all of her willpower to jerk her mouth free of Zander’s tantalizing lips and she buried her face against his neck, breathing hard and peppering softer kisses against the sensitive skin there.

“Fuck.” Zander groaned once he’d had a chance to come up for air. His hands went to her ass, pressing her down against his hard length. He lifted his hips to meet her, grinding their bodies together, and Maya whined. He brushed the shell of her ear with his mouth. “I keep thinking I can’t want you more and then, I do.”

“It’s the heat.” Maya let her hips roll against him of their own accord, “It’ll only get worse as we get closer to the full moon.”

“Worse?” He chuckled though the sound was tight with restraint, “I think you meanbetter, sweetheart.”

“It’s going to drive us crazy. Literally.” Maya found the strength to sit up so that she could look down at him and meet his eyes. “It will get harder and harder to deny the attraction and eventually we’ll lose all control.”

Zander cupped her face, stroking her bottom lip with his thumb, and his voice was husky when he spoke, “What if I want you to lose control?”

“You don’t. Trust me.” Maya turned her head away. “If the first time you see my wolf is when she’s too crazed by the mating heat to think rationally, it won’t be pretty.”

“Then show me now.”

Maya sighed, “Zander…”

“I’m serious.” He cut her off, “Show me now. Show me your wolf, Maya. I want to see her. I want to meet her. I know she wants to meet me too. Let’s do it now. Maybe it’ll help with the heat if she gets a chance to meet me herself.”

Maya narrowed her eyes at him, “What exactly were you and Rafe talking about when you went to the garage to look at his new Range Rover?”

“Cars. Mostly.” Zander squeezed her ass in his palms, “And the mating bond of course.”

“Of course.” She snorted, “And was this his idea? Letting my wolf out I mean?”

“No. He told me to pleasure you until you until you lost control and bit me before the full moon.”

“He did not!” Maya gasped though she laughed when Zander grinned up at her. “That bastard!”

“He was joking. I think. I don’t know for sure. He’s hard to read, right?”

Maya groaned and lay her head on Zander’s shoulder, “He’s the worst.”

“And yet my sister seems completely infatuated with him. Kind of how I’m completely mesmerized by you.” He lifted her head with a soft hand on her cheek and made her look at him. “Show me your wolf, Maya. Please.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“What’s the worst that could happen? She bites me? That’s going to happen eventually anyway.” He must have seen the worry on her face because he softened his tone, “The longer we wait the more crazed the heat is going to make her. Maybe if she meets me now it’ll calm her some. Maybe buy us a little more time.”

Maya knew he had a point. She didn’t like it, but it was a valid argument. She was still in control of her wolf right now. Showing him that side of her would be a big step in their relationship but he was right about it being inevitable. And maybe, if they were lucky, he was also right that doing this would buy her some more time, even just another day or two, to figure out what it would mean for her, and her wolf, when she did give in and bite him.

“Okay.” She nodded quickly, sliding off his lap.

“Okay?” He seemed surprised but she nodded.

“Yeah. Okay. Let’s do this. Get out of the truck.”

“Wait,” Zander paused, eyes going wide, “You mean here… now?”
