Page 46 of Unmistakable Mate

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“Give us some credit, Champ. We know you and if anyone knows what it’s like to worry about how the bond will change your pack status, it’s us.”

Maya softened when Darius put a hand on her back and pushed her down into the chair. He leaned against the counter since there were only the two chairs and Leo had taken the other. She wasn’t sure why exactly but her throat felt tight when she realized that despite the shenanigans she had walked in on that they were ready to drop everything, including breakfast, to help talk her through her situation.

God she loved these two men so much. She missed her father. Of course she missed her father and she wished all the time that he was still around to share in their lives and see the incredible adults they’d all become. But she knew she had been blessed to have Leo and Darius to fill the father figure role in her life.

They were good men. Strong men. Smart men. And they’d helped raise her and Nova into the strong, fierce and independent women that they were today.

Plus,Darius was right. She’d come to them today because she knew they would understand her hesitation to seal the bond. They had been from different packs when the bond sparked between them. Darius had been a Moirae Pack Enforcer and Leo had been the heir to the Crescent Pack throne. Sealing their bond had meant Darius and his wolf were severing their link to their old pack and that hadn’t come easily for him. She wasn’t sure what the bond would do to her own ties but if there was anyone on the planet that could help her come to terms with it, she knew it was Leo and Darius.

“I’m not sure where to start.” She admitted.

“I’ve always found the beginning is a good place.” Leo smirked and she thought about kicking him under the table.

“Just tell us what’s got you worried and we’ll do our best to help.” Darius offered sweetly.

Maya looked between them and her heart swelled with longing. They were so good together. For as long as she could remember she’d sworn that she wanted nothing to do with fate or whatever intended mate it wanted to throw her way but secretly, as she’d grown up under Darius and Leo’s roof and watched them interact, she had hoped that someday, maybe, she would get the chance to have the kind of bond they did. Now it was within reach and she couldn’t seem to convince herself to grab it like the lifeline it was and she worried if she didn’t do it soon, it would slip out of her reach forever.

She sighed, “You know, all this time I never really understood why it was that you two waited so long to seal the bond.”

They exchanged a look. It was knowing and warm. She swore she could feel the link between them humming with the power of their connection.

“I mean, at first I thought it was because you were both male. Even though same sex matings have never been a big deal in the pack, I thought maybe you were hesitant because Leo was Pack Alpha and you wouldn’t be able to pass that down to your heir.” Maya admitted and grinned when her brother frowned, “I was a teenager when I thought that. I realized that wasn’t the reason pretty quickly after you finally gave in and claimed one another.”

“It was never about him being male.” Darius reached out and Leo slid his hand over, lacing their fingers together.

“I know that now but back then…” She shook her head, “Once I realized it wasn’t that, I thought you two had put it off because of everything that was happening at the time.”

“Well, that was certainly part of it.” Darius spoke again, shooting a look at her brother. “There was a lot going on. The day we met was the same day Leo came to the Moirae Pack for help. You and your sisters were hostages. The pack was being led by a murderous lunatic. And add to that, when we did find you, Michael’s mate bond sparked with Luna. Both packs were going through an upheaval and we struggled to find our footing amidst it all.”

“Speak for yourself.” Leo snorted, a warm smile for his mate. “I didn’t care what was happening. I wanted to claim you the minute I saw you and my wolf did too. I wanted it all, the claim, the bite, the bond, from day one, but you were a big fan oftimeback then.”

Maya raised an eyebrow at the way her brother drew out the word, “Time?”

“He wanted more time. Kept saying we had time before the full moon. We had time to get to know each other. We had the rest of our lives to figure out the details but he was very concerned with our timing.”

“Hey, I needed that time to wrap my head around what mating the Pack Alpha of the Crescent wolves would mean.” Darius admitted, “It was a big deal for me. Not just because of the timing or who he was. I had to come to terms with the knowledge that sealing the bond and claiming Leo would sever my ties to the Moirae Pack. They were the closest thing to family I’d ever had and it wasn’t easy for me to take that leap and leave them behind.”

“I’ll admit it took me a while to realize just what I was asking him to give up too. The bond is a big deal. We’re taught about it from the time we’re children, about what it means, but nobody prepares you for the way it feels.”

Maya was nodding before they finished, “That. That’s why I’m here. Because I feel like I need more time but we’re running out of it.”

“The moon puts us all on a ticking clock.” Darius nodded understanding.

“Exactly. The full moon is closing in on us and I know I should complete the bond and give Zander the bite but I’m scared.”

It was hard for her to admit that. She had spent so much time after the ordeal with Maddox Clary trying to make herself strong. She had promised herself that she would never be weak again but claiming Zander, letting him in, scared the hell out of her. She had spent so long building up the walls around herself, determined never to get hurt again, but Zander had stormed the gate and now she could feel herself cracking open and so many feelings she’d held at bay and repressed were overwhelming to her now.

“What’re you scared of?” Leo asked gently.

“Everything. Him. Me. My wolf.” Maya put her elbows on the table and dropped her head into her hands, “It’s just… a lot to deal with. Changing him, being responsible for his wolf. I can’t help but worry I’ll screw it up.”

“It’s a big responsibility.” Leo agreed. “Which is why you have to decide if he’s worth it.”

Maya tilted her head, “I didn’t get to decide. That’s the point. Fate decided.”

“Sure, she chose him for you but that doesn’t mean you have to accept it. If you don’t want him, you can reject the bond. It won’t be easy but it can be done if it’s what you truly want.”

“It’s not.” Maya admitted quietly.
