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“I’m sorry. Do you mind? This is one of my people, and I’ve been waiting on some news.”

“Of course not.” I turned to stroll around the numerous fountains, not having any urge to head back to the crush of the party, or all the eyes on me.

The largest of the fountains was in front of me, and so breathtakingly large, standing a good twenty feet high, that it was more like a waterfall. It drew my full attention away from where I was for a moment, and I just marveled in the creation.

I leaned my head back, staring at the top. There were various creatures carved into the stone that the sparkling liquid flowed over, partially obscuring their forms so only a fin or a tail were visible. Or was that a mermaid? I was in the midst of trying to figure it out when someone bumped into me. My shins hit the front of the fountain that was only a foot or so high, and I broke my fall with my hands flat in the lower pool with a great splash.

By the time I got up, no one was anywhere near me, but Alaric was rushing over, and I saw several people standing by the doors pointing and talking.

“What happened? Are you all right?” Alaric asked, looking down at the dripping fountain water that was coating the front of my dress and dripping down my arms.

“Someone bumped me and I tripped.”

He grabbed a tablecloth off one of the few setups outside and used it to dry off my arms and hands, careful not to get it on himself.

“You have to get that dress off, and now.” He continued to pat me down.

“You think?” I ran a hand along it. Stripping out of my dress seemed a bit silly, but if he thought so… I giggled at the thought of running around here in my underwear.

Maybe that stuff didn’t work on me, though, because I felt fine. Better than fine. Actually, I was starting to feel absolutely fantastic.

“Billie, you need to get that off fast.”

He motioned to a corner, where some potted plants formed a small alcove, then steered me in that direction. He shrugged out of his suit jacket, holding it up in front of me.

“You really think I should?” I asked, giggling.

“Yes, and fast. Tell me when you have it off,” he said, keeping his eyes averted.

I dropped my dress on the ground. “Okay,” I said. “I’m undressed.”

Alaric’s jacket was draped over my shoulders. It came to mid-thigh, and the fabric was so soft that I couldn’t stop running my fingers over it.

“Put your arms in the sleeves,” he said, trying to maneuver it while I spun around.

“Oh, this isn’t bad,” I said, doing a twirl and spotting Kaden heading back toward us. I looked up at Alaric. “You know, I don’t think he likes you very much.”

“Yes, I know, and this isn’t going to help.”

The intensity of Kaden’s gaze was chilling, or maybe that was the breeze with this jacket on?

Kaden’s expression grew darker, and my laughter built. He looked like he wanted to kill me, or Alaric. I wasn’t sure who. Maybe a double homicide kind of night? If he did try to kill me, I might die of laughter first. The whole evening seemed a little absurd when you thought about it. Who fell into a magic fountain?

By the time Kaden got to us, his eyes were flashing like he no longer cared if there were witnesses to his crimes.

His eyes went to the front of Alaric’s jacket, which was gaping wide. He tugged it closed and then took my hand and clamped it over the spot.

“What is going on? What happened to her?” Kaden asked, stepping uncomfortably close to Alaric.

“As much as I’m sure you’d like to blame me, I stepped away, and when I came back she was covered in fountain water,” he said.

“Billie, what happened?”

“I got bumped, and then Iswish,” I said, trying to reenact the falling movement, moving my hands out.

As soon as I did, Kaden grabbed the jacket, pulling it closed again and keeping his hand there.

“She got bumped?” Kaden asked, turning back to Alaric.
