Page 53 of Run For Your Honey

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“I have not forgotten, thank you.”

Daisy sat on the bed next to me. “What are you gonna do?”

“I don’t know.” I rubbed my face, but it didn’t help. “I just keep thinking that the election will decide our fate either way. I win, he leaves. He wins, he stays. And I don’t want him to win.”

“But you want him to stay.” Daisy laid her hand over mine.

“Beyond all logic, I do. But it doesn’t matter. It was all going to end in tears whether we slept together or not. It’s just how we roll, I guess.” Jo sat on the other side of me, silent for once in her life. “I’ve missed him, God help me. Mama said last night that I still love him and he still loves me, and what sucks is that I think she’s right. It’s so strange, being with him. It’s like a time machine back to when things were simpler and a glimpse into a future I can’t have. And I’m caught there in that place of wishes and lost dreams. I can’t make myself walk away.”

After a moment, Jo said, “It’s going to be bad, Poppy. There’s no scenario where this ends with either of you happy. Especially not you. He broke you once, and if he does it again…”

“I know. But it’s too late. All that’s left to do is ride it out.”

“I’m too mad to even make a dick joke,” Jo said and sighed.

“There has to be something you can do,” Daisy said to me. “There’s always something.”

“Unless you have a magic wand somewhere in your room, I don’t think there is.”

“Then we just have to wait until Tuesday?” Daisy asked.

“I hate waiting,” Jo said.

“Me too. And I don’t even know what I’m waiting for, only that it’ll determine what happens next.”

“Then we’d better keep you real busy so you don’t go crazy.” Daisy squeezed my hand.

“Can I shower first?”

“I guess.” Daisy smiled and stood, grabbing Jo by the arm when she didn’t make to move. “Come on, leave her alone for a little bit.”

Jo followed, shaking her head. “Duke Daniels. I’ve gotta say—I didn’t see that coming.”

“Still want to hit him?” I asked.

“Now more than ever.”

“Bye,” Daisy said pointedly and dragged Jo out with her.

I flopped onto my back and stared at the ceiling, thinking about Duke. Thinking about last night, about waking up with him this morning.

Thinking about the fact that I loved that son of a bitch, whether I wanted to or not.

And just how much that mistake would cost me in the end.




The afternoon sun was high, blocked by my cowboy hat as I followed Charlie across his land on horseback.

After lunch at his ranch, we’d saddled up for a ride, taking off through his massive property. It was the closest to alone I could get these days, and I appreciated the time to think. We hadn’t spoken, just rode along the ridges and into the valleys, crossing streams, racing through the woods. And all that was left was the rhythm of the galloping horse beneath me and my thoughts.

The shift between me and Poppy had been quick and complete, taking me by surprise. While I waited for her last night, I considered what would happen if she won. Because the truth was, she’d always felt like the right person for the job. Despite my experience, she had something I never would—a genuine desire to protect this town with every single bit of her.

Not that I didn’t want to help, but she was right. I abandoned this town and everyone in it long ago, and my coming back was nothing more than a leg in a much larger game. Every day, the shine of winning dulled a little more. I didn’t know if I wanted to win at all anymore.

But if she won, I’d go back to my job in DC. If I won, the wrong person would have the job, but I’d get to stay with her.

Something had been wrong when she finally showed last night, frantic and fiery and looking to escape from whatever she was running from. So I gave her what she wanted, what she needed, and I was rewarded with her company all night. For the first time in a long, long time, I held her in my arms until the sun crept over the horizon. And when we parted, something else had begun to shift. Something I sensed I didn’t want.

It was probably just the election. Two days from now, our fate would be decided, come what may. But all I wanted was to stop the clock and stay in limbo with her forever.

Charlie slowed at the top of a ridge and rested his hand on the pommel, looking out over his land. I pulled up next to him to catch my breath.
