Page 63 of Run For Your Honey

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Doesn’t get much lower than that.

It seemed Megan felt the same, because she forgave him. And if it was good enough for her, it was good enough for all of us, even Duke.

Our boys were all moving slowly these days, but they were moving. We’d postponed my acceptance speech until today, and my family, Duke, and I were standing just off stage in the old theater where we’d held the debate. I peeked out to find the theater packed, the lights on the stage bright and the music cheerful. While I was smiling at my good fortune, my lucky charm slipped his arm around my waist and kissed my hair.

For a moment, we stood there admiring where we’d ended up. Charlie had come to see Duke when he was still in the hospital, but Duke didn’t even let his mentor get the words out of his mouth before he quit. And the best part? Duke didn’t even seem to be sad about it.

In fact, I hadn’t seen him this happy since we were in high school.

“Quite the turnout, Miss Blum.”

“Why, thank you, Mr. Daniels.”

“Can’t say I’m surprised. I never stood a chance, despite what Evangeline thought.”

“Oh, I don’t know. You gave me a run for my money.”

“And you bested me at every turn.”

“On all fronts. I even convinced you to stay. I feel like I deserve some sort of reward.”

“You really do.”

He let me go but took my hand, tugging to signal me to face him. Whatever I expected to find, it was not Duke Daniels sinking to one knee with a little velvet box in his free hand.

My mouth dropped open.

“I don’t know how much of a reward I am,” he started, letting my hand go so he could open the box, “but I figured this might do the trick.”

A massive diamond blinked at me from its cushion, and I blinked back.

“Poppy June Blum,” he started, his eyes bright with hope and fear, “I’ve loved you every day since I was fourteen years old, loved you through all the years we were apart, loved you when you hated me. I thought I left for noble reasons. I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do. But the truth is, the best part of me is here in Lindenbach with you. When I told you I wasn’t leaving again, I meant it. So here I am on bended knee, doing my best to prove it to you. Marry me, Poppy, and I’ll prove my love to you every day, forever—”

Unthinking about his injuries, I flung myself at him, my lips meeting his with an awkward crash, my arms wound around his neck. He caught me without trouble, though he let out an oof, keeping us upright with his arms tight in the curve of my waist. And between laughter and apologies and confessions of love, I kissed my yeses, kissed my joy, kissed his heart and mine in thanks and love. When I finally let him have his mouth back, he laughed, stroking my cheek.

“Is that a yes?”

“It’s a hell yes. Now put that crazy rock on my hand and tell me you love me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He took my hand, slid the ring on that sacred finger, kissed me again to the cheers of our family and friends who were backstage with us. When we pried ourselves apart, I stood, accepting hugs and kisses and congratulations before making my way back to Duke.

“All right, Miss Mayor,” Duke said, smiling down at me. “Knock ‘em dead.”

So I strutted onto that stage in the blue pantsuit.

And for once, did as I was told.
