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His hand claims my wrist, and he turns back into the doorway. “Aliyah, you don’t have to kill me. We’ve made up.”

I gasp. Dammit, my friend is not above threatening the life of someone who’s hurt either one of us.

She tosses two thumbs up.

“Excuse me, we haven’t mended shit,” I reply.

Victor contradicts me. “I’m taking your beautiful friend to lunch.”

“Now, I’m confused.” Aliyah laughs softly. “Lux, should I murder him or not?”

I wrench my arm away. “He’s not worth the bullet.”



He’s not worth the bullet.Fuck me. I never felt more worthless with a bloody nose and a black eye. Not until this afternoon.

Now, I’ve returned to Hotel Delacroix and glare over the choppy Hudson River. I’ve not been prone to grand gestures since I was Luxury’s age. My index finger encircles my thumb while in thought.When Luxury’s enfolded in my arms, my respect for humanity is revitalized. She’s a simply delightful woman who asks for nothing and deserves more than the billions at my disposal.

“Victor, might I make a suggestion?” Burt’s inquiry reaches over my shoulder.

“Are you tracking the X-Members who are currently visiting New York or are in the general vicinity?”

“Vigilantly, sir.”

Turning away from the window, I glare at the man who’s been more of a father than the wanker I never speak to.

Questions teem in Burt’s steely eyes.

I grab a tuft of hair. “She’s not like any other woman I’ve encountered”in years.“I’m not prone to apologizing, Burt. You taught me to admit my faults against my mother andthat wanka’swishes. Surely, I should have yielded to your suggestions on those rare occasions when I was in the wrong.”Now, I’m too obstinate to oblige.

His eyes brighten.

“Should I purchase her jewelry?”

“You’re aware of the answer, Victor.”

I chuckle to myself. “She’s cheeky, barely legal. I should make use of my belt and her backside.”

“That’s quite the option.”

Aggravated, I deter from our banter and grit out, “I promised to explain.”

“What precisely?”

“Obviously, I’ve not had a change of heart about assassinating her father.”

“But it seems you expect Ms. Whitson to appreciate your intentions, of which she’s not aware.”

“Heh, allow me to be honest, Burt the Butler.”

He grouses a beat before collecting himself.
