Page 118 of Broken Like You

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“Like, dad old?” She tilts her head to the side.

“No, not quite.” I haven’t even told her anything else, but she already seems back on board.

I’d never consider getting her involved with someone in Johnny’s line of work though. I trust Johnny, but I know nothing about this other guy. Johnny’s motives for joining Franklin are entirely selfless—for all I know, hisfriendcould be in it because he wants to be. What kind of friend would I be if I allowed Rosie to get tangled up with that?

“Go on…” she insists.

I walk over to the window and peer outside. I've been on the call with Rosie long enough that Johnny should probably be on his way back by now. Unless Bram was busy, and the food took longer than usual. Still, though, my anxiety sets in anyway.

That’s when I see him approaching the complex from the street.

The tension in my shoulders releases. I glance back at my screen. "He's probably thirty, seriously."

Rosie cups her chin with her thumb and index finger in a total thinking pose. “I’m totally down for an older dude. Would be a nice change of pace, ya know? What’s he look like?”

I deadpan. “Really?”

“Yes! Come on, Claire-bear. Humor me.”

“He’s not bad, at all, actually.” It takes me a second to recall the details. “He’s huge. Six-foot-something. Broad shoulders, but like built. Not a douchey gym-build though. Umm, what else…a beard…I think he had long dark hair. And visible tattoos.”

I focus back on Rosie and laugh when I see her mouth hanging open.

“I’m in love already.” She clutches at her chest. “The fate of my beautiful future babies rides on you putting in a good word.”

“You’re out of your mind! I don’t even know him.” I turn to see what’s taking Johnny so long and spot him still outside of the gate.

Only now, he’s not alone. There’s a woman with him. From the looks of it, a pretty one. She’s touching his arm and nodding her head, agreeing with whatever it is that he’s telling her. She glances up toward the complex and shifts to where her back is facing me. She leans in, giving Johnny a way too friendly hug, and kisses his cheek.

I try like hell to calm the rage that builds within me. I’ve never been the type to get jealous, but considering the uncertainty of our relationship, I’m feeling hella insecure right about now. Didn’t I ask him if he was seeing someone else? I could have sworn he had told me he wasn’t.

"Earth to Claire," Rosie speaks up loud enough to break through my trance.

I shake my head. “Sorry.”

“Did you see a ghost? What the hell happened there?”

"Nothing, hey, Johnny's back with food. Talk later?" I have to at least attempt to process my emotions before his arrival.

“Yeah, sure. But seriously, get the deets on that guy.”

"Okay," I tell her, even though I have no intention of doing so. We're over two thousand miles apart, what good would that do her anyway? "Love you."

“Love you, bestie.”

We hang up, and not a second later, the door swings open and Johnny appears.

So much for gaining some composure.

“You all right?” Johnny asks me, immediately sensing something being off.

I nod and unclench my jaw. “I was just worried.”

He comes over and plants his lips on the side of my face. “You don’t need to worry about me.”

This would be a perfect chance for him to tell me why he was late. To explain who the random gorgeous lady was that greeted him outside our building. To help me make sense of the hug and lingering kiss she left on his cheek.

Instead, he goes over to the counter and unpacks the bag of takeout food, like nothing strange happened at all. “How was your chat with Rosie?”

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