Page 120 of Broken Like You

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But if what he’s saying is true, who was that outside?

“You don’t believe me?” Johnny studies my reaction.

“I want to…” And before the Jared thing, I probably would have without hesitation.

“Is this about earlier?”

Finally, he’s starting to put it together.

“I, uh. I was counting my money.”

“Wait, what?”

He nods toward the direction of his bedroom. “That box. It’s the cash I’ve made from mysituation. Well, some of it. It’s sort of stashed all over the house.”

“Oh.” That actually makes decent sense. I’d probably be weird about my illegal income, too. Considering the size of the box to that of what was in that package we recovered from Jared, Johnny must be loaded.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you think I was hiding anything from you. It was just a knee-jerk reaction. I’m not really used to having someone know aboutthatstuff yet.” Johnny runs his hand along my cheek, wiping the remnants of my tears away.

I bite my lip, unsure of whether or not I should spit out the question hanging on the tip of my tongue. “There’s nothing else?” More like,no oneelse.

Johnny sighs and weaves his fingers through his hair, brushing it out of his face.

“Who is she?” I blurt without giving it any more thought.

He tilts his head and his brows furrow. “What?”

“The girl, from downstairs.” I force myself to remain calm despite the bubbling nerves wanting to take hold.

“Oh, Claire,” he sighs. “That’s what has you worked up? Christ.” He clutches his chest and lets out a breath. “You had me freaking out there for a second. Whatever you think that was, you’re wrong. That’s Isabella.”

Still not totally sure why she was kissing his cheek.

“Billy’s aunt.”

As in kid Billy from across the way?

“I’m working with her, that’s part of the plan. I just haven’t told anyone because I don’t want it to get out and something go wrong.”

This time, it’s me that cocks my head to the side. “What?”

“You didn’t really think I was going to work for Franklin forever, did you?”

“I mean, I hoped not.”

Johnny repositions in his seat to face me. “The system is flawed. When Billy’s parents died, he was placed with his abusive prick uncle. His aunt, who lives out of town, has been trying to get custody of him but obviously, there are all these formalities in place. There's a court hearing coming up, and I'm set to be a character witness. If all goes well, Billy's guardianship will change, and he'll finally be free of that asshole. That's why I get stressed about my involvement with the cops; I don't want my reputation to be tainted. The judge could dismiss my testimony."

“But you literally work for a criminal.”

Johnny shakes his head. “Franklin would never incriminate himself; he’s an idiot, but he’s not dumb.”

All the pieces of the puzzle finally fit into place. Everything Johnny has been doing has been for this bigger picture.

“And Izzy? She’s like forty-something and overly grateful for what I’ve done for Billy. Downstairs, what you saw was her updating me on the hearing and thanking me for helping her. The attorney she’s using has high hopes of getting it moved up in the next few weeks.”

“You’re kidding me! That’s great, right?”

Johnny exhales. “Yeah. It’s been a long time coming.”

And suddenly, all of my doubts are erased, and I find myself in disbelief that I had any to begin with. My insecurities were nothing that Johnny had done, but everything to do with myself and the things that haunt my past. For once, I have someone in my life who actually cares about me and the people around him.

“I’m sorry for making something out of nothing,” I tell him.

“No, I should have told you.” Johnny takes my hand in his. “It’s hard for me to accept that you’re here—that we’re in this together now.”

I think of the time Johnny and I have shared, the battles we have faced, the obstacles we have overcome. Somehow, if we can just make it through a few more, it will be smooth sailing. We'll finally get to be a normal-ish couple.

An image of Griffin pops into my head. Him having his breathing tubes taken out, regaining consciousness, telling the cops exactly what happened. Johnny being confronted by the police and questioned about that night. His credibility being lost and the entire plan falling apart, Franklin maintaining a grip on Johnny for the rest of his life.

Only, there’s no way in hell I’d allow that to happen. I have to do something—anything— to make sure Griffin never speaks again.
