Page 129 of Broken Like You

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His expression shifts slightly. “Can’t hide anything from me.”

Suddenly, I don’t think he’s referring to my date of birth.

Johnny fidgets with his napkin. “When do you leave?”

“For where?” I nervously ask him.

He reaches back across the table to take my hand in his. “I get it.” Johnny nods. “I really do.”

“I’m not going anywhere, J,” I tell him, straight-faced.

“Claire…come on, I saw the letter. I just wish you would have told me.”

“Johnny, listen to me.” I squeeze my fingers around his to help him understand how serious I am. “I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d want me to go. I’ve already made my mind up. I’m staying here, with you.”

He blinks at me like he’s seen a ghost. “What?”

I stare into his radiant green eyes. “I’m going to tell the board on Monday to give the scholarship to someone else.”

“But I don’t understand. You worked so hard for this. I thought that’s what you wanted.”

“Home,” I throw extra emphasis on the word. “That is what I’ve been after this whole time. Anywhere with you is exactly where I want to be.”

Johnny sighs and runs his hand through his hair, leaning back into his side of the booth. “I’ve been holding my breath since I found that paper, scared to death you were going to leave.”

“Nope. You’re stuck with me, remember?” I cross my arms over my chest. “You second-guessing asking me to be your girlfriend now?”

He laughs. “Not in a million years.” Johnny pulls out his wallet and lays a few bills on the table. “Let’s get out of here.”

I hop up and slide my arm around his as we make our way out of the diner.

A weight is lifted from my shoulders now that we have that out in the open.

Johnny kisses my temple and slides his hand down to grip mine.

Suddenly, there's nothing except me and him and this endless flow of happiness between us. Six months ago, I'd never have believed my life would end up like this.

We walk in tandem, smiling at each other like the love-drunk fools we are back to our complex.

A woman bumps into my shoulder, sending me stumbling into reality.

“Sorry,” I tell her as she’s offering me her own apology.

Apparently, we were both in our own little zone.

“I’m thinking popcorn and movie in bed,” Johnny says while side-stepping another person on the sidewalk.

“That sounds great.” I grip his arm and glance up at him.

A loud crack sounds, and Johnny’s expression shifts to something of shock, fear, and confusion. Everything happens in a blur, our imperfectly-perfect world-shattering with the reverberation of a gunshot.

I lower my gaze to Johnny’s torso, frantically hoping my imagination is playing tricks on me. That the figure who appeared from the dark alley didn’t just do what I think he did.

Johnny drops to his knees and I fall to the ground with him.

“Oh God,” I manage to spit out.

“Claire.” Johnny holds his hands tightly to the seeping wound. His stare is weak but serious.
