Page 144 of Broken Like You

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Johnny has been acting strange. But I’m not sure if it’s a normal strange, or a new strange.

Clearly, life has been a bit weird since the wholefaking his deaththing.

If I had to guess, he’s feeling a bit off since I’m starting classes today and he won’t be there. I can only imagine how difficult it is for him to not be able to watch over me. But we have to move on from the darkness of our past if we stand any chance of making it through this.

We’ve been in my hometown for nearly two months, and nothing has happened. No sign of Franklin or his goonies. No indication that he’s aware of what we did to escape him. No threats or dangers looming around us. Just normal, everyday life. Well, as normal as we allow.

And part of our plan was for me to go back to school. Because that’s the “reason” why I’m here on the East Coast, to return to the college I wanted to go to, with the scholarship I worked my ass off for. Only, the paperwork still hasn’t arrived, and Johnny is actually covering my tuition this semester. Something I very much did not want to happen.

He insisted, though, and continues to reassure me that it’s not a big deal for him to cover it. Between all of the expenses we’ve incurred during our escape, he has to be running low on funds, right? How is it possible he managed to save that much money while working for Franklin?

We’ve moved into three different apartments, and he even bought a used car. He put it in my name, since he can’t exactly use his. Johnny hasn’t thought twice about the cash he’s spending, and he doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. He isn’t out buying pointless stuff, but even our necessities have to be adding up.

Johnny brings my hand to his lips and brushes my knuckles against them. “Let me know if you need me? I can be there in a second.”

I can sense how nervous he is to let me go. At least one of the perks of our latest move is that it puts our new house within two blocks of the university. Johnny insists that I drive the little Volkswagen, but he’ll be within walking distance if anything goes wrong. Another selling point of this unit is the gated entry and the fire escape access on the backside. It hasn’t been easy to find what Johnny was looking for while making sure we could do month-to-month cash payments. Living under the radar poses its challenges, but he’s done a damn good job making it all work.

“I will.” I pull out my phone and show it to him. “Fully charged.” I bring it toward me to let the facial recognition unlock the screen. I poke around until I find what I’m looking for. “And you have my location at all times.” I zoom out and point to a few spots. “I’ll be in this area the first few hours. Then this for the rest. I think the parking lot is here.”

He sighs and bites at the inside of his lip.

I wish there was something more I could do to ease his nerves, like tucking him into my back pocket and letting him come with me for the day. I wouldn’t mind it, really, having him around. But with things still so up in the air, we’re trying to limit his public appearances. A little more time needs to pass and thenmaybewe’ll feel safer.

For now, though, I need to keep up my own kind of appearances by being a normal person my age and following through with the plan of going to school.

I slide Johnny’s fleece-lined denim jacket over my sweatshirt and toss my backpack over my shoulder. “You sure you’re okay with me wearing this?”

His lip turns up in the corner. “Yeah. You look adorable.” Johnny grabs my cheeks in his hands and kisses my mouth.

* * *

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t missing the heat of the sunny West Coast. I hadn’t been there long, but damn if I didn’t get used to that nonstop warmth, the ability to wear shorts and T-shirts, and the constantly beaming sun. In my time there, it had only rained once—the day of Johnny’s fake funeral. It was fitting, really, totally setting the mood for our master plan. But other than that, it was bright and sunny and nothing like this winter doom and gloom it’s been replaced by.

Don’t get me wrong, the first day it snowed here, it was glorious. The look on Johnny’s face was priceless. But once the newness wore off, and the messy slush replaced the bright white wonderland, I started crossing my fingers that the stupid groundhog won’t see his shadow next month. A girl can still hope for an early spring.

I drive the short distance to school, making sure to avoid all of the new potholes created by the snowplows. I pull into my designated spot and put the car into park. Because I’m sure he’s already stressed out, I send Johnny a quick text.

Me:I made it. Miss you already xo

Johnny:Miss you more. Be safe walking to class.

I swipe over to Rosie.

Me:You here yet?

Rosie:I see you!!!

I turn and look all around me until I spot her coming toward me. She’s wearing a dark green sweatshirt and her golden blonde hair is in a neat ponytail, bobbing with each step she takes. There’s a huge smile across her face, and it makes me feel a little less alone without having Johnny here with me.

“I’m so excited,” she squeals when she opens my door.

I jump out and grab my bag, clicking the button on the key fob to lock the car. “Just like it was always supposed to be.” I weave my arm through hers, and we take off toward the main building.

So much has changed since Rosie and I originally planned to go here. Six months ago, I was dating Griffin, held under his thumb and living a completely different version of my life, one that seems completely foreign when I reflect on it. Now, I’m stronger, broken down but somehow built up to a newer, better Claire. One that I don’t think would have been possible without Johnny. He gave me the strength to find my inner power and overcome the shit life decided to throw my way. He helped shape me into the woman I am today.

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