Page 151 of Broken Like You

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Ikeep waiting for something else to happen, but nothing does.

Part of Franklin’s game is psychological warfare, and he does a damn good job at it. That one little sheet of paper slipped into our mail was enough to completely unhinge me. It was clever, if you think about it: a self-inflicted torture while he stays in the shadows, watching from the sidelines, waiting to attack.

If only I could find a way to end this once and for all; then I could go back to living my life, resume some kind of normalcy with the woman I love. Maybe we could go out on real dates and do things with her friends and not have to worry about someone posting us on social media. I could go back to school and focus on doing shit people my age do.

And maybe I could visit Bram without having to risk getting killed.

Leaving my old life behind wasn’t too difficult, considering I had already given up so much in my attempt to save Billy from Franklin, but I hated having to say goodbye to the one person who stuck by me even when I went through some of my darkest days.

I wouldn’t have made it this far without Bram. I’ll never be able to repay him the kindness he showed me almost each and every day, and especially at the end, when he helped me and Claire orchestrate my escape. He did so without question, proving to me how much he really does care about me.

Claire’s phone vibrates on the table, and after a quick glance at it, she pushes the button to silence it. She goes back to her studies without saying a word.

My old self would have ignored the weirdness of the situation and completely disregarded what just happened. But with things the way they are now, the unknown of who that could have been burns a hole straight through me. I open my mouth to speak, but I stop myself. If she wanted to tell me, she would. So why didn’t she?

I’m not a jealous guy, but when Claire’s life is in danger, I kind of need to know what the fuck is going on. It’s a constant struggle to balance giving her the privacy she deserves while still keeping her safe.

I stare at the phone, wishing like hell I could set it on fire with my penetrating gaze so there was no way anyone could get in touch with her. At least, not until I figure out how to get Franklin out of our lives for good.

The thing buzzes again, alerting her to a voicemail.

I watch her intently and wait for some kind of reaction.

Finally, she sighs and swipes her screen to unlock it. Claire pokes at a few things until the crackle of the speaker comes to life.

Thank God, she put it on speakerphone. Now I won’t have to be a completely overbearing boyfriend and ask her who it was.

A thick and familiar voice comes through. “Ms. Cooper, this is Officer Donovan.”

Claire glances over at me and then back at her phone.

The officer continues, “If you could give me a call back at your earliest convenience, it would be appreciated. You can reach me at my direct office line, or my cell. Thanks.”

The line shuts off and a mixture of relief and confusion rolls through me.

It wasn’t Franklin. It wasn’t another weird message that could be interpreted as a threat. Since we relocated to this new, more private building, there hasn’t been a single thing out of place to cause alarm. Although, it’s only a matter of time until he finds us again. Hence why I’m jumpy at every damn thing.

But a call from Officer Donovan isn’t great either, because that means it has something to do with Griffin, Claire’s no-good, abusive, piece of shit ex who tried to ruin her life and even attempted to throw her down a flight of stairs. The one who I ended up sending down a flight of stairs instead and into a critical condition that might cost him his life.

If he’s calling, does that mean Griffin woke up? Did he come to and tell the officer the truth about the situation? That I was the reason for his condition? That I assaulted him and that he’s pressing charges? What if he has some kind of proof, or someone that’s a witness to what went down that night?

Franklin isn’t the only person who could potentially ruin my life. Griffin could, too.

And that sends another shockwave of fear rushing through me.

Who will protect Claire if I’m put behind bars? Franklin would sure enough finish me off if I got locked up. He has connections everywhere—a simple handshake full of cash would end my life quicker than a snap of the fingers.

Claire stares at her phone, not breaking her gaze until I walk over and sit across from her.

I place my hand on top of hers, reassuring her that I’m here, despite the unstable uncertainties rushing through me.

She flinches at my touch—a painful reminder of the fear Griffin must have put in her throughout their time together. I never want her to be afraid of me. I’m the last person on the planet who would ever hurt a hair on her beautiful head.

“Hey,” I say gently. “Everything’s going to be okay.” I’m not sure if I’m reassuring her or myself. Although, it’s safe to say we both need it.
