Page 170 of Broken Like You

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Could he be referring to Johnny? Does that mean Franklin is aware Johnny faked his own death? Or is this all just some weird coincidence that Luciano knows someone by the same name and location?

Luciano shifts his sights from Miller and looks directly at me, squinting to see more clearly.

My eyes go wide and I freeze in place, hoping with all my might that he doesn’t see me creeping from the dimness of the alley. I take a cautious step back, the ground betraying me by crackling under my shoe.

Luciano shoves Miller aside, his hand reaching back and resting on his hip as he makes his way toward me. Probably on a gun.

I could run, dart away quickly, but what if he decides to put a bullet in me before I can evade him? I have no option other than to stay put and hope he doesn’t shoot me.

What a fucking fool I was—for coming here at all, and especially for thinking I could eavesdrop in a shady alley and not get caught.

I’m smarter than this, so why am I making stupid mistakes?

“Claire?” Luciano narrows his gaze and slowly takes his grip from his side.

“Hey, um, sorry. I thought this connected to Bradley Street.” I tilt my head and put on my absolute best lost-ditzy-girl act.

Luciano continues to stare at me, as if determining whether or not he buys my story. “You shouldn’t be on this side of town at night. It’s dangerous.” His voice is gravelly yet calm.

“Right, yeah. I’ll just…” I turn toward the light of where I came from, but he reaches out and grabs my arm, stopping me completely.

“Claire.” Luciano doesn’t break his firm but soft hold.

I yank free of him, just to make sure I can.

He holds both of his palms in the air. “I was going to offer you a ride.” Luciano points toward Miller, who stands waiting for Luciano to return. “These streets really aren’t the safest.”

I rub the spot where his hand once was. “No, I’m fine.”

Luciano tilts his head. “Very well. Have a good evening.”

“You, too.” I waste no more time, making my way from him as quick as I can without raising too much concern at my speed. I feel his eyes on me the entire trek to my car.

I should have continued on foot, long enough to break his attention, but with the uncertainty of the Franklin situation still lingering, it wouldn’t be safe to roam around in an area I’m unfamiliar with. I already risked too much by coming here alone, I shouldn’t risk anymore.

The comfort of being inside of my car calms me only a little bit. I won’t truly feel safe until Johnny is right next to me.
