Page 180 of Broken Like You

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One of my favorite parts of living with Claire is watching her get ready in the morning.

From that first moment of opening her sleepy eyes, it’s like I fall in love again every single day. Each time deeper than the last. My heart never really sure how it’s possible to feel the way I do about another person but allowing it to happen without reservation.

Sure, the possibility of her leaving me fucking wrecks me to consider, but I cherish the moments I have with her, just in case it’s my last. One day, Claire might realize she’s too good for me, and decide she’s had enough of hiding in the shadows and living a half-life. She deserves more than this constantly looking over your shoulder existence that I’ve drug her into.

Claire pauses, her hand on her jutted-out hip. Her black lace panties hug her in such a way it makes the blood rush straight to my dick.

“This is where I tell you to take a picture, so it’ll last longer.” Claire grins at me and steps closer to the edge of the bed.

“And I’d respond with something stupid, I’m sure, like…can I?” I reach up, grabbing her by the hands and tugging her on top of me.

Claire giggles but doesn’t protest, climbing up and straddling my waist. “We don’t have time.” But instead of hopping off of me, she leans down and presses her lips to mine, our bodies coming alive in a flash.

“Then we’ll be quick,” I breathe into her between kisses. I wrap my arm around her and flip her onto her back. I break away from her mouth and make a trail straight down her neck, her stomach, and hover around her panty line. I tug them to the side, swirling my tongue confidently in all the places I know drive her wild.

She arches her body toward me, telling me that I’m doing exactly what she needs.

I slide a finger in place, rocking it gently while my mouth does most of the work. Sucking and licking and appreciating her like the goddess she is. I feel her tension build, my own pleasure rising with hers. I reach up with my free hand, twisting and teasing her nipple gently.

Claire’s attention shifts as she fumbles with the stack of condoms sitting on our bedside table. She rips one open and drags me up, her lips cascading onto mine while she tugs down my boxers and secures the thing over my ready cock.

I’m careful sliding into her, partially because entering her might just be my favorite thing ever.

She lets out a moan in response and pivots herself toward me. Her hands grip my back, inching me into her even more.

I lift her with one arm, the other propping me up. I thrust gently in and out, deeper and deeper, and when I sense her climax, I let mine ride along with hers in tandem.

“Johnny,” she whispers. Claire’s mouth meets mine in a chaos of lust and passion and desire that could never be satiated. An intense love that is impossible to replicate.

With one final plunge, we come crashing down together, maintaining a slow and steady pace to lengthen the pleasure.

It’s everything all at once, the most extreme high I could ever imagine.

Every single time, I think it can’t possibly get any better, yet somehow it does. The more we’re with each other, the stronger our connection becomes, the more powerful the experience.

Claire grins and brings her plush lips to mine once again. “I really have to go.”

And although I’d love nothing more than to keep her here with me, tucked safely away from any kind of harm that could come her way, I sigh and hop off the bed, letting her escape me.

I have work that needs to be done anyway—strategizing with Josey in an attempt to figure out how to evade Franklin for good. I had met with Josey yesterday, but it was cut short when his pressing family situation called him out. We only had a few minutes in that Bram’s lookalike diner before he had to go. I’m hopeful that today will give us a bit more room to come up with something, considering I’m at pretty much ground zero on what I’m going to do.

Claire finishes getting ready and stands by the front door, waiting for our almost ritualistic goodbye: a hug that never seems to last long enough, and a kiss that puts those Hollywood romances to shame. We both hate being away from each other, that’s for damn sure. But she needs to get her education, and I have to work on preserving our lives.

After killing a couple hours once she’s gone, I slip out of the security of our apartment and onto the street. I could easily take an Uber across town, but I use the time to get a little more acquainted with my surroundings, just in case. Plus, I hear exercise helps in the recovery process, and I’d like to do what I can to get back to one hundred percent.

I definitely don’t recommend getting shot, especially the way that I did. Most people would have spent a few extra days in the hospital, stayed on bed rest, and recovered normally. Me? I planned an elaborate fake death and spent close to three days in the backseat of a car, stopping occasionally for medical care and constantly worrying that my attacker would be hot on our tail. It wasn’t ideal, but we did what we had to do, given the circumstances.

I’m pretty much fine now, just a bit achy here and there. Something that probably wouldn’t be an issue if there wasn’t a psychopath wanting to finish me off.

The air is crisp and cold. I hug my arms around me and continue along the main road, coming up on Claire’s university. The invisible thread tethering us together tightens with her near proximity. There’s a strong pull to wander toward it, just to see her, to confirm that she’s safe and sound, but I ignore it and keep on my way. There’s no real reason she should be in any immediate danger—not yet.

I glance at my watch, noting the time and how long it took me to get here. The walk wasn’t as bad as I expected, not with the snow being mostly gone. I grip the metal handle of the door, the little bells jingling when I pull the door open. I stroll in like I own the place and go straight to the booth in the corner. The one with the best view.

Two older women sit at a small table, sipping their tea. A guy close to my age, with thick-rimmed glasses, is nose-deep in a book a few feet away from the ladies. The kid with the beanie is working again, wiping down a table.
