Page 182 of Broken Like You

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I glance toward the kitchen, catching Luciano peeking out from behind the open window area. He moves quickly to avoid eye contact. That was definitely not nothing. The dude is creeping me out.

“I mean, don’t cross him, that’s for sure. But you’re a new face. He’s letting his need to know everything get the best of him.” Josey tilts his cup to his lips, taking a hearty swig even though steam is pouring from the piping hot brew. “Honestly, this is the safest place for us to meet. You don’t have to worry about anything shady here.” He nonchalantly sets his drink down and throws his arm over the back of his seat. “So, you wanted to talk to me.”

But with the sudden weight of Luciano’s mysterious stare, I no longer think that involving Josey is the best idea. Maybe I should stick with my gut and handle all of this on my own. Without his help, though, I’m up shit creek without a paddle. I don’t know which direction I’d row even if given the opportunity.

Ever since Claire walked into my life, I haven’t had to do any of this alone. Even when I tried to keep her out of it, she managed to barge in and take control of each situation, navigating me through the thick of it. I wouldn’t have made it this far without her, and I’m a fool for thinking I’ll get through the rest of it. She helped me find that package, plan the entire faking my death scheme, and has managed to nurse me back to health. Shit, she brought up all of my grades, maintained hers, and scored a competitive scholarship, all while navigating a criminal underground.

We’re a team, and we’ve made that known. That’s not going to change. Why am I struggling so damn much to involve her?

Because I don’t want her to get hurt. That’s why.

There have been too many close calls. Too many moments when Claire could have been seriously injured. With Griffin. With Jared. With all of this. What if that shooter missed on her birthday and shot her instead of me? The idea of Claire being caught in the crossfire is enough to make me want to wrap her up in a bubble and never let her go.

“You’ve got this wild look on your face, JJ.” Josey takes another drink.

“There’s got to be something I can do to stop him, right?”

Josey rakes his hand across his jaw. “I mean, other than putting a bullet between his eyes?” He glances around the diner and then back to me. “You really pissed him off.”

If only he’d tell me something I don’t already know.

“Why does he care so much? Doesn’t he have better shit to deal with than chasing me down?” It’s petty, even for a mob boss.

“Principle. If word gets around that he knew what you did and he let it slide, people will think he went soft.” Josey lets out a breath. “Thisbusinessis ruthless, you’ve seen it.”

One too many times. I shake the thoughts out of my head, not wanting to relive the things I’ve witnessed Franklin have his men carry out.

That sick glint of power that Franklin always had. He enjoys his job more than he should.

“What about…” I lower my voice and lean forward. “The feds?”

Josey laughs. “You think people haven’t tried? The dude’s hands are clean. That’s what he has cronies like us for.”

He’s right. Franklin was sure to be careful about that kind of thing. Making us do his bitch work. But he’s only human. He could have slipped up at least once.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I drag it out to see Claire’s face across the screen. I press my finger to my lips to signal Josey to not say a word. I hit the green button and accept the call.

“Babe, what’s going on?”

Claire sniffles. “I didn’t want to call you, I tried to fix it myself. I’m sorry.”

My heart picks up its pace, a million different situations run through my head. “Claire, where are you? What happened? I’m coming right now.” I hop up from the booth, digging my hand into my pocket. I throw a five-dollar bill onto the table and make my way to the door, completely ignoring everyone in the place.

“I’m in front of the parking garage.” Claire exhales. “I got a flat tire.”

And like I can finally fucking breathe again, I clutch my hand to my chest. “Oh, sweetheart. It’s okay. Shit happens.”

Of all the things I had thought of, this was definitely at the back of the list. This outcome being the best worst-case scenario.

“Hop in the car and wait for me. I’ll be right there.”

“Okay,” she says with such defeat in her tone.

“Everything is fine. Don’t worry. I’ll be there soon. I love you.”

“I love you.”

We hang up and I turn around to see Josey coming after me.
