Page 185 of Broken Like You

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I can tell he wants to talk, to vent about the situation. And if I had more time, I would sit down and hear him out, but I can’t allow the gap between me and Johnny to grow any larger.

“It wasn’t expected on our end either.” I shift my tone to be softer. “But I can’t get into it right now. I have to get home. We’ll discuss this soon, okay?”

“Yeah?” This seems to calm him.


He sighs, a twinkle appearing in his emerald eyes. “Okay.”

I walk out into the cold, grateful for the warm cups in my hands. Was it this chilly when I came here? Or was I fueled by my emotions to the point I ignored the nip at my skin?

I glance both ways, suddenly realizing that I don’t have my phone’s GPS to guide me. I’ll have to figure this out from memory. I’ll follow the signs leading me to campus and make my way from there. It shouldn’t be too difficult to manage, each step getting me closer to the man who is my home.

Commotion from behind me catches my attention, but when I look, the people scatter into an alley. My heart stutters, the very realness of being out here alone, in the dark of night, creeping into me. The measly streetlights only do so much to illuminate my path.

I turn back, stopping abruptly when a man wearing a ski mask is standing directly in front of me. Without thinking, I throw one of the still steaming coffees at him.

He flinches and I shift the other direction, only to find another man there, too.

Panicked, I toss the other one and try to evade him.

Anticipating my attack, he dodges out of the way, hissing insults. He grabs hold of my arms, holding me in place while the first guy puts something over my head, completely concealing my vision.


I kick and scream, but it all happens too fast. My body being picked up, the sound of a van door opening, the thud of them dropping me inside and closing me in, the squealing of the tires. I slam against the side of the cold interior as we whip around a corner.

I reach for the burlap sack on my head, ripping it off in one motion. I blink, blink again. But there’s nothing but darkness. The back of this vehicle is pitch fucking black. I desperately try to get my eyes to adjust but I struggle to see even my hands in front of my face.

I grip the metal floor, bracing myself for the turns and accelerated motions.

I breathe deeply in an attempt to calm myself.

Okay, Claire, how are you going to get out of this?

My mind shifts to Johnny, and the continued distance between us.

He has to know something is wrong, right? For once, I pray he doesn’t listen, that he doesn’t actually give me the space I asked for. But even then, how will he find me? I left my phone in our car, and I didn’t exactly tell him where I was going.

I shake my head in the dark. I’m on my own. And if I want to make it out of this, I’m going to have to fight.

I feel around the side until my hands locate the back door. I tug at the handle. Of course, it’s locked, what kind of kidnappers would leave it in any other position?

The van slows so I do the only thing that comes to mind.

I play dead. Or well, in this case, passed out.

I lay there, my eyes shut enough that I can still see the darkness through them. My arms limp to my side.

We come to a complete stop, my body shifting forward at the abruptness. The engine cuts. Two doors open, then slam shut. Mumbling ensues.

“You do it,” one of them says.

“Whatever, man, you’re such a pussy.”

“She doesn’t even look eighteen, dude. You know how much trouble we can get into if we get caught?”

They approach the tail of the van.
