Page 47 of Broken Like You

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Josey chuckles. “Right.” He pushes a button on the key fob and the big thing starts up. “Hop in. You’re riding shotgun.”

I do what he says and slide into the front, trying not to make it too obvious when I check out the passengers. I don’t recognize either one of them, which doesn’t help my cluelessness at what I’m tagging along for.

The guy with the military short hair nods a silent hello but doesn’t say anything else. The other, a smaller guy, just sits there and avoids eye contact.

We drive across town, about ten minutes away, and park at one of the empty buildings in the warehouse district near the entrance.

Josey cuts the ignition. “There you go.”

The two men get out and go into the structure.

I’m left here still wondering what the heck is going on.

Once they’re inside, Josey opens his mouth. “You busy tonight?”

I side-eye him. “Are you asking me on a date?”

Josey slams the back of his hand into my chest. “Don’t make me shoot you.”

I laugh. "Is it wrong to say you're not my type? You're not a bad-looking dude, I'm just into chicks."

“I hate you.” Josey shakes his head. “No, you fucking idiot. I’m not coming onto you. I have a girlfriend." He exhales. "I thought maybe we could grab a beer at Whiskers. There was something I wanted to talk to you about. Didn't want to bring any attention to it, though, so I couldn't ask you over a text."

“Wait, this was just a cover up? You didn’t actually need me right now?”

Josey folds his arms over his wide chest. “Been at this gamemuchlonger than you, kid. I can handle shit on my own.”

“Oh.” I process what he’s saying. “Yeah, sure. What time?”

“Meet me there at ten. But listen, don’t tell anyone about this. It’s between you and me.” His serious gaze burns into me.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say they hired Josey to finish the job and off me. But Josey has never been that kind of person toward me, and if what he’s saying is true, he’s putting his neck on the line to tell me something he thinks I should know.

The two guys come out of the building and make their way to us.

“Do you understand?” Josey urges before we’re interrupted.

“Yes.” I swallow down the lump that forms in my throat. The unknown of what this could potentially mean.

My mind races on the way back into town. I try to settle it, but I can’t. There are too many variables, and I don’t know which one to focus on first. There’s this stolen package and how the hell I’m going to locate and retrieve it, the overall situation with Franklin, Josey wanting to have atalkwith me, and the person that keeps vying for my main attention—Claire. Not to mention the week of school I’ve missed and everything else going on in my life.

I told Claire we couldn’t be friends. Why can’t my own brain wrap itself around that concept? Why is shestillin my head even though I keep pushing her away? Why do I have this desperate need to be around her despite knowing that’s quite literally the worst thing I could possibly do?

Even if all of my other problems were fixed, it wouldn’t erase the way I’ve treated her. Buying her breakfast and letting her crash at my place when she was wasted will never begin to excuse the shitty treatment I’ve dished out.

I can’t imagine how fucking confusing I must be. One minute, I’m a total asshole, the next I’m catching her as she falls off a pool table. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why can’t I just leave her alone?

We’d both be better off if I could figure out how to keep my distance once and for all.

I recall her cobalt blue eyes and the way they stared into mine on many different occasions. There’s this weird connection. This pull to each other that’s undeniable. Or maybe I’m fucking losing it and it’s all in my head. Maybe I’m twisted and clinging to something that doesn’t exist.

But if that’s true, why does she look at me the way she does?

With curiosity. With longing. With desire.

Josey puts the SUV into park and turns off the ignition. “Thanks for your help, J.”

I blink and take in our surroundings. We’re stopped in the alley I met him in not too long ago.

The two random dudes get out and slam the doors behind them, disappearing into wherever they came from.

“You good?” Josey asks me.

I bob my head up and down. “Yeah. Catch you later.”
