Page 89 of Broken Like You

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“Yes! He was wearing those.”

“This is good, this is really good.” It’s not much but in a matter of minutes, we’ve gotten closer to solving this mystery than Johnny has in the last week by himself. “And you’re sure it’s someone from this list?”

“No. It could be anyone, really. Franklin has hired hands all over. But Josey mentioned it was a new recruit, a younger guy. Cocky. I guess he was bragging about what happened.”

I fight to keep my composure. There’s something about someone being arrogant about hurting Johnny that sends sparks of fire shooting through me. I’ve never felt so…protective of a person before. Now that I know the truth about Johnny’s situation and his motives, it only makes me want to crush anyone who mistreats him.

Kind of humorous considering what happened last night. The old Claire died on those steps; she was reborn the moment Johnny ripped Griffin away from me and shoved him down the stairs.

What Johnny said earlier about how he imagined himself in Billy’s situation, and how he would have hoped someone stepped in for him? Well, he did exactly that for me, and I won’t waste this gift of a fresh beginning.

From now on, I will not cower. I will fight.

“I have an idea.” I grab my phone and swipe over to the text screen.

Cora:Let me know about tonight.

I haven’t told her about what happened yesterday, and I plan on keeping it that way. I don’t need her to pity me any more than she already does.

Me:What are the details?

Johnny turns his attention to me. “What is it?”

Cora:House party, I’ll send you the address when I get done at the gym. You coming?!


Cora:Good! Bring that sexy man of yours.

Johnny clears his throat. “Uh.”

“She’s referring to you, don’t worry.” I shove him teasingly.

“Hey now, guys can be insecure, too. But wait, your brilliant idea is a party?”

"Not just any. I overheard Stinky Feet talking to Steve about some big get-together they're having. And I'm pretty sure this guy Cora was talking to is friends with them, meaning…chances are, it's the same one. AKA, it's where they live."

Johnny sort of blankly stares at me like it hasn’t fully clicked into place.

“The shoe, J. We can check their rooms to see if it’s there. If it is, bingo, we’ve located the suspect.”

“You…are fucking brilliant.” He grabs me by the face and presses his lips firmly to mine.

A million butterflies float all around me, and I become completely immersed in his touch.
