Page 91 of Broken Like You

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The second someone disrespects or treats her poorly though, that’s another story entirely.

Claire rubs my hand. “We’re going to go to this party, and we’re going to mingle. I’m going to sneak around and try to locate Jared’s room, and you’re going to work the floor and see if any of the guys from your list are there. Obviously, we’re trying to spot these shoes.”

“Wait, you’re going to search his room?” I’m not thrilled about the sound of that.

“Yes, because I can innocently pretend like I’m looking for the bathroom, but if he finds you in there, and it was him that did it, shit will hit the fan.”

“What does this package even look like? What’s in it? If I’m going to be looking for the shoes, I might as well keep an eye out for it, too.”

Oh man, where do I start? “He was always secretive about what was in them. I asked a few times in the beginning but learned it’s best not to question him. Um.” I hold out both index fingers. “It was about this big, this thick. One of those yellow envelopes, you know? I have no idea what was in it. Could have been anything.”

“And if he set you up on purpose, it could absolutely be gone.”

“Yes and no.” I nod politely at a passerby on the street. “He plays a twisted game, but he’s weirdly fair at times. If he’s giving me two weeks to find it, I think it’s still in circulation. That way his hands are totally clean—he gives me a chance, despite it being nearly impossible. If I don’t find it, it’s my fault, not his.”

“Well then, let’s hold on to that hope.” Claire looks up at me and forces a smile.

“Oh, my God,” a familiar voice calls out. “I knew it!”

Cora rushes over and nearly rips Claire from my arms.

Claire clenches her jaw to suppress the cringe of pain brought on by Cora’s enthusiastic embrace.

Only Cora has no idea what happened last night, and Claire has asked me to keep things between us until she’s ready to tell her friend.

Cora slaps my shoulder. “About damn time you make your move.”

“Cora…” Claire deadpans.

“Sorry! You two are just freaking adorable together. From the moment he caught you falling off that pool table, and then paid off our entire tab… What a gentleman.”

Claire turns to face me. “You did what?”

I attempt a distraction by pointing toward the green pedestrian light. “Our time to cross.”

“Anyway, I’m Team Johnny.” Cora sidesteps an old lady and continues on her path. “June’s meeting us here. She’s my plus one tonight.”

“Where’s Steff?” I ask her.

“She has a date. But I’ve been instructed to stay near my phone in case I have to call in a fake emergency.”

“That’s a real thing?” I glance over at Cora.

“Um, yep. Especially with the weirdos Steff finds on Tinder.”

I grip Claire's hand, thankful that I don't have to deal with that. I haven't dated anyone since my senior year of high school, and granted we had both gone our separate ways because of college, I never really wanted to put myself back out there. Plenty of girls have shown interest since then, I just never felt connected to any of them until Claire stepped into my life.

Now the wait seems to make perfect sense.

We approach a row of houses that are college rentals, an area that I’ve gone past a few times while making deliveries. Weekends are usually full of loud and drunken debauchery, which is not my scene. Even before I took a position with Franklin, I was more of a low-key, small gathering kind of guy.

The puking in front of strangers and intoxicated bro-bonding was never my thing.

“It’s the second one up ahead.” Cora signals to the one with the biggest crowd gathered around it.

The two on each side seem to be for overflow traffic.

“Who lives here?” Claire asks her.
