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My cock grows hard and thick in my hands as I jerk myself off to the dozen screens blazing in front of me. From the absolutely fucked up maze that I conjured to the brutality I’ve made these students suffer—it all gets me off.Watching their clothes torn from their bodies, and the assault with the hoses on all their exposed cocks and cunts…

I groan as I explode, rewinding and playing certain clips over and over, zooming in on my favorite student—the little blonde girl who seems to have captured more than just my attention. I saw how the boys reacted from the stands when she was shot. I relish in their pain, especially Xander’s since it’s two-fold.





I come again and then again. Gripping my cock until it’s sore and my balls are empty and the dirty panties I saved fromherare stained with my cum. So much pain they’ve endured. So much humiliation, and all by my command. I’m drunk on the power—on how it makes me feel. I’m the director of this fucked-up show, able to bend every student and guard to my will.

It’s euphoric.

Cameras, cameras, everywhere.

My eyes sting from how hard I stare waiting for my next fix before duty calls, and I have to prepare for The Gallery. I shove my dick in my pants, zip up my slacks, and shove the panties into a drawer in my desk, right next to her short, pleated skirt. Just the smell of the little blonde drives me wild. I’ve held off my deeper desires thus far, but my desire to maintain control when it comes to her is fading.

And I just might let it.

I pour myself a short glass of whiskey and rouse my computer from its sleep. The Gallery is waiting to place their next bets—and who am I to keep them from emptying their deep pockets? I laugh to myself. If they only knew where the money was really going.

My amusement fades as my office door bursts open with a crash, and Xander barges in. Huffing and puffing, his face is a vibrant shade of red and the look in his eyes is more maniacal than the gleam in his father’s. “You said she’d be safe!” He slams his fists on my desk as if it would intimidate me, but he doesn’t.

No one does.

I wave him off in irritation. “As long as you do as I bid, your niece is safe, but you haven’t been nearly as compliant as I wish as of late. Still, I can see you’re in quite the frenzy. Let me assure you that Bianca is fine—The Gallery wished to see her survive.”

“Why do you fucking torment me?” Xander growls.

I clasp my hands on my desk and cock my head, staring at a set of eyes that look so much like my own. “You torment yourself, Xander. I’ve watched you—you can’t take your eyes offhercan you?”

He blanks, realizing that I’m not talking about his niece. He knows that he’s been caught, and there’s nothing he can say to convince me otherwise—but the fight in his blood won’t let him back down.

None of us can.

I roll my desk chair back and stand, buttoning my coat. “Tell me, Xander, how good did her mouth feel wrapped around your cock? Was it warm? Wet? Did she moan for you as loudly as she did for Bentley and Cashel?”

I didn’t think it was possible, but Xander’s face turns a shade darker, his anger and fury heightening. He yells in frustration, stomping over to the back of the office. I can’t help it and laugh in his face, because he’s so ridiculously pissed off.

“Oh, yes, I saw. In fact, I played that little act in your office on my screens here, studying your reaction and hers as well as watching her with the other two boys. She responds to the three of you so easily, it seems. Which, of course, has me wondering what she’ll do undermyhands.” I walk around to the front of the desk, resting my ass against the top and folding my arms across my chest in a mimicry of him. “Will she moan for me too, Xander? Will she cry? Beg? Will she get sopping, fucking wet forme?”

“Don’t fucking touch her,” he growls, and I roll my eyes before grabbing the remote from my desk and replaying one of my favorite scenes of her. Xander watches himself on the screen, whipping and caning the girl while she’s strung up in my room of punishment.

“Here you showed me what a little pain slut she is. And now, I want to experience it for myself firsthand.”

Xander shakes his head and for a moment I think he might throw away his pride and beg me not to, but he can’t bring himself to do it. “Don’t. Don’t or I’ll—”

“Or you’ll what?” I push off my desk and walk over to him. “I hold all the power here, not you, boy. I have your niece and the girl who’s invaded your head.” I step closer and pause the video on a frame I particularly like where Xander’s fingers are buried inside her, and her lips are parted on a scream as she comes. “She needs to be punished, Xander. She needs to be punished for sneaking into the boys’ dorm room.” I gesture toward the screen where her body is bound and splayed from her previous punishment. “You were too soft on her—let her off too easily with nothing but a few stripes from the whip and cane to remember her indiscretions. You even let her come.Twice. So this time—this time—I’ll be doing it.” The roar that splits Xander’s lips has a grin growing wickedly across my face. “But don’t worry, I’ll let you watch.”

As I call in the guards to remove Xander from my office, I sink back into my office chair and press play again. I plot out the next game while listening to her pained hisses and pleasured groans. My plan is working, everything is falling into place. All the paperwork has been signed, dated, and filed. My accounts are secure. Now, only three more obstacles stand in my way, and soon enough, I plan to erase them all from existence.

Then Remington Radcliffe will be mine.
