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“I have to find a way back first. I can open a portal once physically on your plane of existence. Then we can talk about what happens more specifically beyond me wanting to tear my traitorous, lunatic brother and his noble supporters to shreds.”

I nodded. “Fair enough. Then how do we get you back there?”

“Becoming fully corporeal is the first step,”Mrak said as he kissed me. It was fast, intense, and searing hot, leaving me breathless in seconds.“The strength of our connection is part of that. When we bond, and the length of time we remain bonded, helps tie me to this plane.”

An excited shiver coursed down my spine. “Do you mean a figurative bond, or literally us becoming one?”

Sex. Pleasure. That’d explain why over time, he’d been able to manifest more solid body parts and forms. How he’d gone from caressing tendrils light as a feather to manifesting fingers and a tongue to pleasure me with earlier. But that couldn’t explain all of it, right?

“Both,”Mrak said.“Either. The stronger our pact, the stronger our connection. And protecting you last night surely went far when it came to adding to that connection.”

My brow furrowed. Hehadbeen able to take over my body and fight off my attackers.

“Okay,” I said, finally relenting. “Then how do all these men with wards against you fit in?”

Mrak’s hot lips rested a hairsbreadth from mine.“As with all evil, there are people who would brand themselves heroes for the sake of it. They seek to destroy me because they fear the stories told about me and my rule in Kithonia. The ancient stories passed down. But they don’t understand.”

I shouldn’t have been so calm about it. Mrak had freely admitted he was evil. That his rule had been bloody and intense. And here I was, aiming to help him get back to it. Mrak—a literal monster with a huge, shadowy form, claws, and six intimidating crimson glowing eyes. King of a world of shadow demons—and worse, if Mrak was to be believed.

And yet, if given the chance to follow him home, to defend him, to get on my knees before him as part of his kingdom or to return all the pleasure he’d given me, I would do it.

Mrak had saved me from hell. One I had a hard time believing could actually be better than Kithonia. He’d been good to me even in his more aggressive ways, so I believed that his people had been taken care of despite maybe more abnormal methods of rule.

Or maybe it was because I was broken, too. I’d been cast out of my own home. Given to another world to be fed upon day and night, my body and blood used for others’ well-being.

In many ways, Mrak and I were the same.

“Are you upset, Aisling?”Mrak asked.

I shook my head. “No, I’m not. I want to help you get home. But I want to go with you.”

Mrak kissed me again.“I’m so glad to hear that. You and I are going to do wondrous things.”

I smiled. Hearing him confirm without me asking that I’d get to go with him made my heart warm. “Good. But first, I really need to finish some commissions.”

“Of course,”Mrak said as his form retreated.“This process will take some time yet, and we will have all of eternity to enjoy what’s ahead.”

An eternity of pleasure and security sounded hopeful. Peaceful, even, especially compared to the last eleven years of my life. Which was why, as I continued on back to my workshop and studio apartment, I tried very hard to bury Leif’s words about a shadow demon’s manipulation and seduction.

I wanted Mrak like I wanted so many other things in this world. A home. Safety. A family. Did it really matter if he was evil as long as he was able to provide me those things?

These thoughts propelled me through another night of hard work until I fell, face-first, exhausted into bed to sleep.
