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“That’s all that matters to me,” Becca replied. “If I don’t get to have sex with you for a few days, who cares? Just keep loving me and I’ll love you back in return.”

“Good,” Krissy said. “I was beginning to worry that you’re only after me for my body.”

“Well, it is a fantastic body,” Becca said, in a musing kind of tone. “I’d say…ninety-seven percent of why I put up with you is body-related.”

Krissy, laughing, pinched Becca’s side.

“Shut up,” she said, and then asked, “Will you love me even when I’m an old lady?”

“Especially when you’re an old lady,” Becca said. “Especially.”

Krissy felt warmth course through her body. It was even helping to ease her cramps. She was in love with Becca Roberts and Becca Roberts was in love with her. Life was perfect.

“I love you so much, Becca,” she murmured, snuggling closer to her soulmate.

“I love you so much, too, Krissy,” Becca said.

Forget Tahiti, Krissy considered.

This was paradise on Earth.

