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Standing near the hostess’s station was a stunning blonde with eyes the color of sapphire. She was dressed much like Sally was: shorts and a tank (a blue one which Sally couldn’t help noticing really brought out her eyes). And she was tall! Because the woman was also wearing flip-flops, Sally could assess that she was the same height as herself, a refreshing change because Sally was used to being the tall one.

The woman stepped forward, pink lips upturned and parted in a devastating smile.

“Hi, I’m Ainsley!”

Sally swallowed.

They know how to build them on Mount Olympus!

She suddenly remembered her manners.

“Sally,” she said. “Nice to meet you!”

Ainsley pointed behind her, over her shoulder.

“I’ve already found us a spot. Shall we?”

Certain she was smiling goofily, Sally nodded and followed Ainsley to a small table near the window offering a view of the beach.

“So, I don’t know what you like to drink,” Ainsley began, “but this place makes the best margaritas! And they have, like, every flavor imaginable.”

“I love margaritas!” Sally told her.

Ainsley smiled.

“Meddling mothers and a love of margaritas. Two things we have in common.”

Sally laughed.

“If only meddling mothers were as easy to make disappear as margaritas,” she joked.

A male server with the kind of chiseled good looks Sally knew straight women typically lost their minds over, stopped at their table and took their drinks order: a raspberry margarita for Ainsley and a watermelon one for Sally. Giving both of them his best flirting smile, having no idea what a waste of energy that was, he promised to be back soon with their drinks.

Left alone again, Ainsley was about to say something when Sally noticed a peculiar look come over her features. Suddenly, Ainsley’s hands flew to her face and she gasped, looking at Sally with wide eyes.

“Oh my God! I just realized who you are!” she exclaimed.

Sally blinked.

“Um…Dr. Lassiter’s daughter?”

“Jillian Ashley!”

Now, Sally’s eyes widened.

Oh fuck!


“I watched your interview on Lesbeing the other day!”

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Seriously? In the most populated state in the union, the lesbian universe was still this small?

She gulped. There was no way she could tell yet another person—in less than twenty-four hours!—the truth about Jillian Ashley. Amy might be cool about it now—and Sally was certain that the several orgasms she had given Amy had played something of role in that—but Ainsley might not be cool with it and might start blabbing the truth to anyone who would listen. And Sally wasn’t about to arrange things so that she would end up giving Ainsley several orgasms as a way of buying her silence (though, quite frankly, the thought of doing so made Sally cross her legs under the table).

“Yep!” she said. “I’m Jillian Ashley!”
