Page 47 of Throttle

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Memorial Day Evening

“What is taking so long,” I mutter as I continue to pace the small sterile waiting room.

“They need to get her stabilized,” Elle reassures me. “I’m sure we’ll be able to see her shortly.”

Elle and Mac are sitting in matching, uncomfortable chairs. I continue to wear a hole in the floor as I pace back and forth. Saint steps into my way and wraps his arms around me. I sink into his embrace and let the tears fall.

He whispers into my ear that everything will be alright, as he tightens his grip around me, afraid I might disappear. I encircle his waist with my arms and hold on. He is rubbing my back, his hands moving up and down gently as I hold on with everything that I have. I can’t lose her. She’s the only family I have besides Elle.

Saint pulls me away from him slightly, enough to look into my eyes. “Let’s sit down, sweetheart.”

I nod, tears still running down my face. He directs me to the seat next to Elle and sits to my left. Elle and I grab each other’s hands and embrace in a hug. “She can’t leave us,” I mumble into Elle’s shirt. I can still feel Saint’s hand caressing my back as we wait for any news.

Grams’ friend, Mabel, happened to swing by the house and apparently found Grams on the floor and unconscious. She immediately called 911 and then Elle. I’m angry at myself that we were off having fun and she was hurt. “I will never forgive myself if she doesn’t come through this,” I add.

“It’s not our fault, Haisley. She was fine when we left. She encouraged us to go. Please don’t take the guilt onto your shoulders,” Elle warns me as I shake my head. She knows that I am already blaming myself. She knows because she knows me better than I know myself.

“How am I supposed to live with the fact that she was hurt, and I was...” I pause and take a breath, “Just not there.”

Saint’s hand stops its path on my back, and I turn to look at him. There’s a slight hurt in his eyes, and I shake my head.

“No. That’s not what I’m saying,” I try to reassure him. He gives me a slight nod and stands up.

“I’m going to go get some coffee. Mac, want to join me?” He waits for Mac to stand as Elle nods. I watch as the two of them head out of the waiting area. When I lose sight of them, I turn to Elle and break down again.

“Why am I such a failure? I probably just ruined this thing between us as well.” I cry harder into my hands, Elle pulling me to her chest.

“You didn’t ruin anything. He just needs a moment to realize that. I’m sure he thought you were going to make a backhand comment about having sex when you should have been home,” she whispers into my ear. “But that’s not your burden to bear. We went to a party, an innocent one. Grams wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. And for once, stop being so negative.”

I sit up and wipe the tears from my face. “How are you so calm?”

“Because I have to be. You’re a fucking blubbering disaster over here for no reason,” she points out.

“I’m sorry.”

“We don’t know anything right this minute. No news is good news, right?”

“I’m pretty sure that saying doesn’t relate to this situation, but I’ll give you points on a damn good effort,” I retaliate as the boys return with coffees in hand.

Mac hands one to Elle, and I stand and step towards Saint.

“I’m sorry if you misunderstood me before. It really has nothing to do with us,” I try to assure him.

“I know. Let’s focus on making sure your grandmother is alright,” he replies, handing me a coffee and pulling me into his chest.

I swear we stand like that for hours, but in reality it was minutes.

“Ms. Meyers?” someone asks, and Elle and I both turn around and answer.

“Yes?” The poor woman looks confused as Elle steps toward her and takes the lead.

“We’re both Meyers. I’m Elle, Grams’ power of attorney, how is she?” Elle asks as Saint puts his arm around my shoulders.

“I’m Dr. Mathias. Your grandmother is a very lucky woman. She’s stable now, but we want to keep her for a few days of observation due to the head strike and subsequent bleeding.”

I gasp and cover my mouth. Elle steadies herself and looks at the doctor. “What happened? Do we know?”
