Page 59 of Throttle

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“You have no proof, but you go on and keep believing you do. I’d like to know what you and Drake are up to. That’s the question of the year,” I state.

“Doing crew chief things. Stuff you wouldn’t understand.” He smirks.

“How did we get like this, Bud? We’ve worked fine together for three seasons? Now, you have an issue with me?” I inquire.

“Same could be said about you.”

I shrug. “I have my reasons and I’m sure you know why.”

“That little bitch we have racing for us?”

“Precisely. But she’s a good driver. You’re just too old school and blind to see it. If you focused on putting her in a good place on the track instead of making rude comments and ignoring her questions.”

“What is it to you anyway? You’re not gaining anything from her being here, are you?” he deepens his voice.

“No, just doing my job, something you’ve forgotten how to do, or chose to do. To me it doesn’t matter who our driver is. I’m building a car with the purpose of winning. Your job is to take that car and coach our driver through great strategy to win, or at least the best finish possible,” I reiterate.

“You’re treading on thin ice, Saint. Don’t think you’re safe at all,” he warns.

“Are you threatening me?” I ask nice and loudly.

He laughs, more like croaks. “Take it how you want, but I promise you, if you continue to impede my job, I’ll make sure you don’t have one.”

He turns and walks away, and I hit pause on the recorder under my desk. Not sure if it will be omissible in court, but it’s a start to gather shit to bring to Hunter. I send a quick text to Mac.

Me:Thanks for the heads up. I got him recorded.

Mac:You got it. The entire crew is behind you and her.

Me:It’s appreciated. We’ll get him eventually. I just hope before she gets hurt.

Mac:We can only pray.

Me:You and your prayers.

Mac:Shut up and get back to work.

Me:I’m working on the Toronto setup. I’ll get it to the building crew soon.

Mac:Sounds good.

I place my phone on the desk and get back to work. Haisley went into the simulator yesterday to give me an idea about Toronto before she left today on her media tour.

Me:Miss you already.

Haisley:You sound pathetic, LOL.

Me:I can’t say I miss you?

Haisley:I’m sure you miss the sex more than me.

Me:False. How was the flight?

Haisley:It was fine. Same old, same old. I just hate not having any down time.

Me:When are you going to be back?

Haisley:I’m not. I’m flying in to Ohio the night before practice.
