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My gaze immediately found my parents as they tried to come to me, using a wet blanket to slap at the flames and make a safe passage for them.

A second explosion raged from the outside.

“We are coming for you, baby! Stay away from the fire,” Mom yelled, with only the bathroom between us.

Nodding, and trying to repress my fear, I stepped back, glancing at the flames on both sides of the hallway. Tears stung my eyes as the heat waves licked my skin, fear gripping my entire form, but I knew my parents wouldn’t leave me alone. Crouching, I held my knees, looking at them, and I suddenly realized I was dreaming for the millionth time about the night my father died.

“We are almost there, Brax!” Dad promised. “I got you.”

A scream ripped through my throat when the back door burst into the house with the next explosion, flying straight towards my parents and me. Without an ounce of hesitation, Dad pushed my mom out of the way, his hands stopping the door from crashing into us.

Growing up, I relived that night over and over. I had seen it so many times, I knew every detail by heart, but as the flames raged in what seemed like an endless stream, the scene changed before me to show me the hidden truth...


The strangled scream caught in my throat as I sat up awake, shaking from the remnants of the nightmare. It was so vivid I could still feel the fire burning my skin as my mom ran with me out of the room. Phantom flames engulfed my father before my eyes in the darkness, replaying the secret my mind had long buried.

Glowing slitted eyes appeared through the raging blaze on the other side of the door, and the fire wasn’t red, it was green.

* * *

To Be Continued…
