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Mom’s hands wrapped loosely around herself, as though Dad was holding her in his arms from behind, like he always used to do. That brought the smile back to my face, but it didn’t erase the wonder and bewilderment our conversation ignited.

“Wait, what do you mean by theKing of Dragons?”

“When I found out about your connection to them, and how strongly your essence pulled them to your side, I travelled to the far side of Caelisium. To the Icelands. Since I was already pregnant at the time, Sienna and I went in secret to theCave of Enlightenmentso I could meet with the Truth Teller. It was there that I learned about your destiny. She told me that I would bear a son of strength and a true Devenish heart. And that with Sienna’s daughter, the two of you would one day end the Warlock King’s reign of terror.”

Her confession should have shocked me, or at least troubled me, but after everything she had revealed, nothing surprised me anymore. In fact, my reaction was the opposite. With my mother’s statement, something inside me awoke, recognizing that as my true life’s purpose. Perhaps it was because of all that I had learned in the last few days, or finally understanding the honorable heritage my family built before this all began.

Regardless, I knew it was true. I knew this was the reason I had gone through all the hardships in my life, and in a weird way, everything made sense.

Without those adversities, I wouldn’t be the man I was today, and I needed to build that resilience and the fight within me to be able to end this. I had felt a sense of belonging since the first time I stepped into this world. One that grew the more time I spent with Evanna and her people. They were my people too, and my heart claimed my place in this fight freely, because I finally had a soul’s call.

“She called you the Dragon King,” Mom continued, bringing my attention back to her.

“The Truth Teller?”

She nodded.

“During each crowning of a new king, the Dragons offered their loyalty to him, and him alone. That is why they followed the Warlock King blindly for so long. To them, it was just a new generation taking the throne. One of hundreds of thousands they had witnessed. Yet, no one, not a single one of those kings ever shared the kind of bond you have with the Dragons…‘The Queen of the People and the Dragon King will be Raithian’s end.’Those were her exact words.”

With an emotional smile, Mom glanced back at my father, nodding before she regarded me, grey eyes boring directly into mine.

“We always knew you and Evie were tied by fate to bring peace to Caelisium, Son. Yet, never in our wildest dreams could we have imagined that you would also be tied by love.”
