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“Dragons are the guardians of Caelisium, and this place, although in another plane of existence, is still part of this realm. You need to be summoned by me to enter theLake of Tranquility, but they can roam free between the plane of the living and that of the ascended.”

Part of me was impressed by that. The other was glad she hadn’t said “dead” but the ascended. It had a nice ring to it. “So Jade was the only one to welcome you?”

The smile spread over her lips and her attention returned to me. “Yes, she had been close to your dad before the Uprising, so she knew the feelings he held for me. She knew everything we had been through—”

“What did you and my dad go through?” I couldn’t help but interrupt.

“A sucker for romance now, are you?”

Chuckling, I rolled my eyes. “It’s just, you are my parents. I’d like to know.”

“Someday, honey. I promise that after all of this is over, I will tell you everything there is to know about how Khayden and I fell in love in the Crimson Fortress of all places. There are just more important things to address now.”

“I know.”

“Jade accepted me instantly and became my best friend. She, Rowan, Khayden, Ezra, Sienna, and I formed something of a rebel group.” She chuckled. “We became so close, the six of us. Your father dubbed Willow’s parents Elevated Warriors, but they declined. Jade had already given birth to the twins, and though they fought with us and never wavered, they wanted to have a better chance to survive the battles for their children.”

“And Elevated Warriors are at the forefront of the battle,” I added knowingly, seeing her nod. “I don’t blame them.”

“We didn’t either. Once Evie was born, Sienna retreated a bit from the fight too, to be there for her daughter. But when she was fighting, Willow babysat her.” Her lips trembled briefly, yet my mom took a deep breath, willing her emotions to settle. “It just hurts to know they are all gone, and Willow is the only one who remains of her family.”

“She is not alone,” I assured. “She has Evie, and Kingston, who is madly in love with her but won’t dare to say a word to her.” I chuckled when Mom’s eyes grew wide with shock.

“Kiki is in love with Willow?!”

“Yep. The tough giant becomes a puddle in front of her. It’s cute, actually. I think she loves him too but might think her affection is not reciprocated. It’s a mess, but I’m determined to help get them together. They deserve to be happy, and I think that, together, they would truly be.”

A glimmer of happiness engulfed my mother’s eyes. “He is such a good man, with an honest and humble heart. He’d be good to her… And she might just be his chance at real happiness. He still blames himself, you know…” She nodded to herself, sadness briefly grazing her features. “Willow is the peace he needs… I approve.” Her smile returned, and I mirrored it.

“Me too. She also has all the Elevated Warriors who adore her. And me, if she ever forgives me after learning the truth.” My gaze dropped from hers and I glanced at the water, only to glare at the situation I found Tharion in. “What the hell are they doing? Wrestling?”

Mom’s laughter danced in the wind, and I was so happy to hear it. “Leave them be. Storm missed him, and from what I can see, Tharion missed her too.”

“Her? The white Dragon is a female?”

She nodded. “They were mates, way back when.”

Holy cow. Another Dragon actually mated with Fire Fury? My eyes widened even more when I recognized the name. “Storm… She was in your letter. She was one of the Dragons that gave their loyalty to my father even though they weren’t soulmates.”

“Yes… She didn’t survive the fight against Azazel, so she’s here. Permanently.”

Sadness returned to my heart. Tharion had not only lost my father, his soulmate. That day, he lost his mate too.

“Okay, stop deflecting,” my mother chided. “We need to talk about my letter and what all of it means for you.”

Making a face, a deep sigh left me. “I know, but one more question. Are Evie’s parents here? And Willow’s family?”

“They most likely are. All good souls come here. But we all have a different journey towards peace and forgiveness in theLake of Tranquility. We can only meet with others after we have attained that and crossed the bridge.”

Her attention shifted to the other side of the lake, where what seemed like a bridge of pure light extended towards the mountains. “You are still on your journey?” I asked, finally realizing why she was on this side.

“Yes. I have unfinished business. You need my guidance now more than ever, and I cannot rest until I know that the Warlock King has been defeated. I will not rest until Caelisium is freed once and for all.”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I want you to find peace. I—”

“I have peace,” she assured, cupping my face. “Your father is here with me.” The most breath-taking smile I had ever seen on her curved her lips, and the troubling emotion that had fallen over me swiftly lifted.
