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“Is everything okay?”

Imogen and I turned towards the door the moment Braxton’s voice reached us, a set of smiles on our faces. Kingston, however, was not so amused. His signature scowl was perfectly set on his face, because Imogen had decided to visit me and Braxton this morning without consulting my guardian first.

“Honestly, Darling, I seemed to have forgotten royal etiquette. Too many years around those adorable, tiny beasts, I’m afraid.” Imogen shook her head with a small chuckle. “I just wanted to talk to you and the princess in private for a moment, but I forgot to ask for an audience.”

“You don’t need an audience,” I assured her. “You are welcome in our quarters any time you want. Kingston will just have to deal with it.” I sent a pointed look to my guardian, who huffed, crossing his massive arms over his chest.

“I second that,” Braxton added, earning a growl from his chief. “What? This is my room too. No?”

Mumbling a threat, dangerously close to him ripping something essential off my mate’s body, Kingston dropped his arms and walked past him to the entrance. “I will wait outside.”

“You know you love me!” Brax shouted after him… once he was gone. “I’m like the son he never had.”

Imogen and I chuckled, but even if Braxton was kidding, he was still half right. Kingston loved him. He appreciated my mate’s presence here, and everything he was willing to do for our people, he was just too set in his scowling ways to let it show.

Winking at us, Braxton walked to my side and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“You were gone when I awoke,” I offered, placing my hand on his chest. There was no reproach in my tone though, only curiosity. I had missed waking up in his arms, especially after the incredible night we had shared.

I never imagined I could be so completely his…

Also, being in charge of him in bed was fun.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you alone. The Dragons called to me.”

Understanding filled me, and I nodded. “I forgive you. I’m willing to share you with them. Only them though, don’t get any wicked ideas,” I teased, making him smirk, but then worry filtered through me. “Is Fire Fury okay?”

“Fully healed,” he assured, his expression softening when he saw me care for his Dragon.

I had to admit, even when I was still cautious of him, the scary beast was kind of growing on me. Fire Fury had protected and cared for Braxton since the first day, and I had to appreciate anyone who did that for the man I loved.

“It was actually about…” He paused, searching for the right way to describe what he’d experienced. “It was about me connecting with them and taking my place among them now that my magic is no longer blocked. And it was incredible,” Brax admitted, awe capturing him whole. “I saw everything, Evie. They showed me our races’ history, from the moment Caelisium was created until now. And then they welcomed me as Braxton Devenish, the Wizard Prince.”

Astonishment rushed through me with his confession, and I wished I’d been there to witness it all. I’d heard of theRenascentiae Principis—the Rebirth of the Prince—a rite those beautiful creatures had performed for once their new prince became of age. Yet, it had become a myth after Raithian disgraced his legacy, and the Dragons left his side.

Almost three hundred years had passed since the last rite, but now that Braxton was here, the rightful heir to the Dragon Throne, the Dragons had performed it again. Both happiness and pride coursed through me with that knowledge.

“If there were any doubts left in you that this was your destiny, I hope the ceremony vanished them, Devenish Prince,” I offered, looking into his eyes.

“No doubts at all. I am exactly where I want to be…” he confirmed, taking my hand that rested on his chest and kissing it. “But it feels strange for you to call me that,” he confessed, unease clouding his features. “Not exactly because of the prince part, though that is pretty mind blowing. Then again, I am also half Dragon, so…”

“Braxton Skystorm-Devenish?” I proposed.

“Perhaps you can rise as your own man. Build your own legacy. One not tainted by the shadow of those before you. Braxton Skystorm,” Imogen interjected. Eyes shining with pride and hope for the future, she took both my hand and his, squeezing them tightly while she regarded us. “Together, you will bring forth a new generation of rulers, greater than anything Caelisium has ever seen.”

Now,thatfelt right.

His eyes sparkled with purpose, and I knew the words fueled his fight, not only to avenge our parents, Willow’s family, and everyone we had ever lost, but to free this world with me.

Glancing at me, a promising smile captured my mate’s mouth. “I like that.” Except, his eyes suddenly widened. “Wait, that hadn’t even crossed my mind. If I’m part Dragon, part healer, and part Wizard, does that mean our kids will be like me too?”

“Kids?!” I gasped, taken completely by surprise. “You are already thinking about us having kids?” My heart stuttered and I swallowed, regrettably acknowledging that I hadn’t allowed myself to think that far ahead for us.

When you existed in the middle of devastating war, you only worried about the present because the cost of dreaming was too high.
