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“I don’t have any expectations. I don’t know why you would think I do.”

“I’m not stupid. There are certain things that are supposed come with a wedding night.”

I let my words dangle, hoping he fills in the rest for himself. He does.

“This isn’t the fifteenth century. We don’t have to consummate our vows.”

“So, what are we going to do?”

“I’m going to sleep. In the fucking bed. With you next to me.”

His bossiness has me gritting my teeth. “Who died and put you in fucking charge?”

“I’m going to get ready for bed. If I come back and you’re on the floor, you’re going to see a side of me you won’t like.”

He stalks into the bathroom, the air of tension following behind him like an ugly cloud. I wince as the door slams behind him. It probably isn’t wise to upset a known lunatic, but I can’t help it. He brings the worst out in me.

It would be easier if I just did as I was told, but I’ve never been someone who was good at toeing the line—at least with small things. I’d jumped into this marriage with both feet, wanting to please my father, to do my duty to my family.

Did I make a mistake?

Can I ever come to love Kane? Can he ever come to love me?

My stomach churns as I stare at the offending four poster bed. It is huge. Probably bigger than a king-sized bed. We could both sleep in it easily, without touching each other.

If I stick to my side…


I don’t want to do what he’s demanding, but compromise is the secret of a happy marriage, right?

I go to the edge of the bed and pull the covers back. It’s just a bed, and we’re just sleeping. Why am I making such a huge deal about this?

Because he’s a fucking stranger.

Who you married.

I push that thought aside and undo the stockings I was forced into this morning. Pushing them down my legs, I toss them onto the floor at the side of the bed, leaving me in just my tee and thong. I feel naked.

I climb under the covers, pulling them over me, and get comfortable on my side, my arm sliding under the pillow.

I listen to the sounds of Kane getting ready for bed in the bathroom, my heart thudding against my chest. I don’t know why I’m on edge. So far, Kane has been the perfect gentleman—aside from the snarling at me.

I take a steadying breath. I know the rumours about my husband. I’m sure the majority of them are true too. He is a monster. A demon. He kills without remorse. Enjoys it even. This is the man who wants to share a bed with me. It should terrify me. Any person with a lick of sense would be afraid.

But Kane doesn’t scare me. Maybe that makes me crazy, but I don’t feel fear with him.

I grew up in this world.

I’ve seen my father commit his share of atrocities. I’ve seen Dex follow in those footsteps.

I wanted to do the same, but my father would never accept a woman into his ranks.

Until now.

He wants me to spy.

I will be in the Frasers’ inner circle—Kane’s at least. I can get access to information other people cannot. My need to gain my father’s approval weighs heavily on me. I need it.
