Page 45 of In Too Deep

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God, she wished she hadn’t just heard Blake say the wordnaked,now she was never going to get her thoughts back on track. This had been pointless.

“I should hope so,” she said weakly, and his eyes ran over her face searchingly. “Unzip me,” she demanded, and he blinked. She needed to get out of here, away from Blake before she came out of her skin and did something she regretted. “Now.”

He obeyed, sliding the zipper down to the bottom of her spine before walking slowly out of the room, leaving the door open. Rose quickly stepped out of the dress, trying to ignore her quickening breaths, the ache of her pussy as pressure built inside her again, and she slipped her clothes back on. The corridor was empty, and Rose nearly shook with relief as she practically ran back into her room and flopped down onto the bed, wincing as the air tickled her sensitive skin.

She’d tried distraction and it hadn’t worked.

The bedroom door was slightly ajar, but she didn’t move, scared if she did she might break the spell that was coming over her. Knowing that she couldn’t keep on like this and surely it was better to fuck herself than to let Blake do it? Slowly, she laid back against her pillows and tentatively squeezed her breast, her breath leaving her in a short gasp as the tension inside her wound tighter. Her fingers plucked her nipple and her breath eased in and out of her as she did the same to the other breast. Glancing quickly at the door to make sure there was no sign of Blake, she reached her right hand down and traced the outline of her aching flesh through her thin shorts, panting at the light touch as she clenched almost to the point of pain.

Her eyes found the empty doorway once again and then her hands slid under the waistband, hooking her fingers over the edge as she pushed the shorts down to her ankles. The cool breeze stroked across her skin and she lifted her hips to meet her hand, teasing the outer edges of her pussy as she felt her own wetness against the pads of her fingers. Why did this feel so forbidden? She flicked her eyes to the door, found the hall empty, and let her fingers part her folds to press down on her clit until her eyes closed and a gasp tore itself from her throat. She rocked against her hand slowly as her fingers found a circular motion that squeezed her clit and more wetness gathered between her legs, starting to leak down the backs of her thighs.

It wasn’t enough. She needed to be filled, stretched. Fuck, she was still tempted to find Blake.No. No. She didn’t need him. Had never needed a man to get her off before. Though that was before she’d realized what she was missing. Unbidden, her thoughts turned to the way Blake’s mouth had felt pressed against her pussy as his tongue dove in and out of her, licking and sucking at her juices like a man starved and served his favorite buffet. One finger slid inside her pussy as her left hand squeezed her boob, her hips rocking as she remembered the way his cum had felt on her skin, hot and wet as he ate her through her orgasm.

A second finger filled her, and she moaned. Blake’s dick, hard and long, pumping in his hand as he looked his fill of her, bare and glistening before him. The finger he’d teased her with, achingly slow. Rose pressed a third finger inside her pussy, plunging them in and out in a rocking motion that made her whimper his name, her thoughts filled with his tongue, his hands, the way his dick had felt buried inside her.

Her pussy sloshed with wetness as she worked herself higher, pushing her fingers in harder, desperate to reach the edge, tears slipping free as she realized it wasn’t enough. Her hand stilled momentarily before resuming a much slower pace. It felt good. She could feel herself dripping down her fingers, but she needed more.

“Well don’t stop on my account. I know you didn’t come yet.” Blake’s voice had a strange mixture of panic and desperation seizing through her as she looked up and found the door open wide, his broad shoulders taking up the space in the frame and a large bulge in his pants contradicting the calm tone of his voice.

“What are you doing in here?” Her voice was hoarse, and belatedly she wondered how loud she’d been moaning.

“I heard my name.” He smirked. “I thought you needed me again. I guess I was right.” He took a step into her room and dropped his hands to his belt, watching her eyes follow his hands eagerly, and when she looked back to his face, there was no more amusement there, just hunger. “Do you need my dick, princess?”

Slowly, her fingers began to move inside her again and she whimpered. Blake’s eyes dropped as he watched her, his gaze hooded as he licked his lips. “I could watch that forever.”

He reached for his belt and undid the buckle, freeing his fly, and she watched, entranced, as his dick sprung out. He was hard as a rock and moisture smeared across his stomach, leaking more as he watched her pace increase.

Her pussy clenched around her fingers, throbbing, and he chuckled. “Do you like it when I watch you, princess?” His hand curled around his shaft as he began to stroke softly, moving closer to her with each thrust of her fingers. “What do you want me to do with this?” he asked, pumping his dick harder for emphasis and moaning for her as he kicked off his pants and knelt on the bed between her legs. “Tell me.”

“I want,” she choked out as her thighs moved impossibly wider, “you to fuck me with it.”

Blake smiled, letting go of his dick as he grabbed her legs, pressing her knees down until they burned and her pussy shone up at him, so soaked she was sure there would be a wet patch on the bed when she was done. He moved closer, pressing his dick to her folds and stroking her clit with his head, watching the way it pulsed for him like he was hypnotized. Pre-cum leaked out and mixed with her wetness as he slid his dick through her folds, rocking against her and creating a friction against her clit that had her hips writhing helplessly until his head pressed into her entrance and made her gasp.

He was big. She couldn’t remember him stretching her so much that time they’d had sex in his study, but maybe he was just harder now. Blake didn’t let up, thrusting into her so hard she saw stars as his hand came under her hips and he lifted her against him, grinding against her so that his balls hit her ass and her pussy dripped around his base.

“How’s that, princess? Is that filling you more than your fingers?”

Rose couldn’t do anything but moan as Blake fucked her harder, thrusting into her with such savagery that she knew it was part punishment for the other day and for not coming to him the past couple of nights.

She could feel his dick twitching inside her and knew she wasn’t far from the edge. His eyes met hers as he shifted his angle, moving into her with long, languid strokes that made her head fall back as she gasped. Blake’s head lowered to her breast as he sank all the way back in, grinding deep as he licked and bit her breasts until she was riding him desperately from beneath and he panted her name into her mouth.

Blake’s fingers found her clit, slapping it and pressing down hard as he thrust into her desperately enough that her body jolted backwards as she finally came, and he followed three thrusts later.

Their bodies were sweat slicked, Blake’s shirt sticking to his back and turning see-through across his chest and tight stomach as he rolled off her, arms flexing.

“That better, princess?”

“Um, yeah. Yeah, thanks.”

Blake rolled over and looked at her, taking in her no-doubt red cheeks and moving his gaze down over her body, cataloging her still-hard nipples and the wriggling of her hips as she tried to get comfortable.

“Rose?” His eyes were uncharacteristically serious as they met hers. “Did you come?”

“Yes,” she said honestly and he nodded, a small frown tugging at his mouth.

“Princess,” Blake’s voice had dropped and the lower tone made her stomach swoop, “do you need more?”

“It’s fine,” she said, still feeling like her skin was burning, like her itch was on the verge of being scratched.
