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“I’m telling you what happened at the pier. Don’t you want to fucking know?” Her eyes flick toward me, and she flinches when she notices the anger in my expression. “You asked,” she adds in a smaller voice. “I’m telling you.”

After taking a deep breath, my gaze drops to the ground. It’s not defeat or submission. I’m just trying not to intimidate her so much. “All right. Go ahead.”

“We made a vow,” she continues shakily, “that we should team up against the Persian. It’s our only hope of surviving this whole fucking mess.”


She hums in agreement and lowers her head, a lock of dark hair falling over her cheek. It’s strange how gorgeous she looks even when she’s upset.

“Yes, really,” she whispers. “The four of us need to work together.”

I blink. “The four of us?”

“Yeah—you, Tomas, Parker, me.”

“I want nothing to do with that.”

She meets my gaze. “What?”

“I’m going to LA and leaving you behind. I’m not Lev. I’m not going to fucking scoop you up like a goddamn white knight in shining armor.”

“I didn’t say that.”

I sneer. “I’m not your minion either.”

“I also didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t fucking have to, Alex. You’ve been acting like it this whole time.”

She grimaces while hugging herself. “So, you’re just done with me? Is that it?”

“No,” I whisper while closing the space between us. “I can think of another use for you.”

“You mean like how you treated me at that party?”

A memory passes between us. It’s a visceral experience, arousing me the closer I step toward her. She crushes herself into the wall, as if that’s going to save her from my curious hands. She should know better by now.

My voice is husky with desire as I say, “You liked it.”

“And what could possibly have given you that impression?”

“You always like it when I take from you, don’t you?” I smirk when she blushes. “You do, sugar. It’s just in your nature to be aroused by me.”

Her lower lip quivers as her eyelids droop, inviting me to slide my hand beneath her blouse. Her skin twitches in response as I trace a path toward her right breast.

“No,” she claims, but I’m not entirely convinced. “I don’t.”

My nose skates over her cheek, goose bumps rising while I travel toward her ear. “It doesn’t matter what you say. Your body says something else.”

I massage her breast, the sound of her satisfied whimper shooting a signal to my cock. Within seconds, I’m fully hard and ready to take her, aching while I force myself to keep a slow pace. That’s the thing about Alex—she cums so much harder with a tender touch backed by firm authority.

And it’s so much fun to do.

While she tries to wiggle out of my reach, I unbutton her jeans and peel them away, dropping to my knees to explore the mess in her panties. Laving beneath the fabric keeps her from drifting away from me and I grip her hips to steady her, smiling into her pussy as she bucks under my care. A few minutes later, she’s yanking on my hair, begging me to slide inside her.

It never takes long with her. I remove her panties and rise from the ground, hooking her left leg over my hip as I shuck my khakis. My cock throbs against her pussy while I cup her ass, feeling her supple flesh conform to my touch. She’s so pliant that I could probably get away with doing just about anything to her right this second.

My curious hand traces the slit of her ass while I nudge inside her. She whimpers and buries her face into my shoulder, clutching my shirt to lift herself up an inch. I allow her to impale herself, enjoying the way her pussy clenches around my shaft as she sheaths me. When I’m buried inside her, I’m confused by how my heart flutters so excitedly with her close to me.
