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Chapter Twenty-Seven


I know it’s a fake deal, but watching Alex accept the offer to leave Macedon breaks my heart. She’s the bait. She agrees she will lure the Sanderson brothers here to this room in Thasos, but I can’t help imagining her actually taking off. When threatened with her absence, I cling to her harder, unable to let her go. Even hypothetically.

I’m watching her from a closet with Mikhail crouched quietly behind me, waiting for the right moment to burst into the room. Nervous tension crackles in the air around me and I can tell Mikhail feels it, too, the two of us itching to get blood on our hands. For different reasons, but still for valid ones.

My father meant so little to me until his death. When he threw himself in front of me, he showed me a side of him I didn’t know existed. Speaking to Alex about it later put plenty of things into perspective, making me feel my grief much harder than anticipated. I’m a strong man, and I’m fit to run a goddamn empire, but hearing that my father was sincere in his offer to sweep Alex away from this mess made me melt.

Though I’m not sure how committed Mikhail is to this place, I can’t deny his help. He’s doing his best to step into his brother’s shoes, to take over the family business where he can. His idea to head for the coast was the impetus for our decision—and maybe he’s serious about that, too.

The shift in his personality has been night and day. He’s not a reckless little kid snatching whores from the street anymore. He’s quickly becoming a ruthless thug, one undoubtedly engaged in his personal vendetta to avenge his brother. If I had a brother like Lev, I would be doing the same thing.

But for me, it’s Alex.

I watch her sit on the bed, noticing the way the mattress curves under her ass as she crosses one leg over the other. She’s playing with her phone as a suitcase rests next to her boots, hosting some personal items just in case the brothers decide to check on her seriousness with the deal. It doesn’t need to be sold for very long.

Just long enough to give me an opening shot.

My hand reaches for the gun seated in the back of my jeans. I clutch the handle, my thumb resting over the safety but not turning it off. A deep breath loosens the tension in my shoulders and causes me to bow forward, my eyes hooked on the door. But every so often, I look at Alex.

And one of those times, I see her looking at the closet.

My face burns as my gut clenches. It’s weird watching her like this, waiting for these disgusting jerks to burst into the room and try to whisk her away. While this is part of my fulfillment of the Persian’s request, I’m not keen on sticking around to see what he’s going to do next.

Some commotion erupts from the hallway and laughter follows the doorknob jiggling, causing me to stiffen. Behind me, Mikhail must be doing the same. Alex stands from the bed and lifts her suitcase, appearing bored and ready to go.

“About time you got here,” she chastises when the Sanderson brothers file into the room. “I’ve been waiting for thirty minutes. What took you so long?”

“Dear, lovely Alexandra,” one of them purrs.

The other gives her a long, lustful glance while saying, “Missed us that much, did you?”

She snorts. “Hardly.”

“Simon, I think she’s teasing us.”

Simon nods. “Bobby, I think you’re right.”

“I think you’re both full of shit,” she snaps. “I’m just fucking ready to go.”

My smirk grows as my grip on the handle of my gun tenses. That’s my girl. Always tough as fucking nails. When Simon approaches her with a disgusting grin, my smile fades. I think I’ll make sure he dies slower than the other. Just for looking at her like that.

“The money as promised,” Bobby states while tossing a duffel bag full of cash onto the bed. “Everything is in order. But if you want to check, we have plenty of time.”

Alex plucks the bag from the bed and zips it open. I hear her whispering under her breath, counting for show. We’re taking the money, of course, but we don’t want the brothers to get suspicious. If she seems too careless about the cash, then they might try something stupid.

When she’s done counting, she slings the bag over her shoulder, adjusting her suitcase in her right hand. “Well? Are we going now?”

“You know, we were thinking—” Simon says while gesturing to his brother. “Bobby and I were so curious about what we were missing. I told him we should try again.”

“I mean, one of us tried but failed,” Bobby states. “But together? You wouldn’t be able to stop us both.”

Alex steps back. “Don’t even think of trying anything. I’ll call him right now.”

“I don’t think he cares how you’re disposed of,” Bobby says with a shrug while stepping forward. “As long as you’re out of the way, he doesn’t care.”

Simon smiles, nodding excitedly. “Oh, what did he say, Bobby?”
