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Attack me? I’ve survived my fair share of attempted hits.

Put me down? Fletcher Pershing would likely have better comebacks than anything this idiot could attempt to put together.

And don’t get me started on what Alex has done to me.

She’s torn my heart to shreds, tossed the bits into acid, and then sewn them back together before shoving them back into my chest. I’ve been through the wringer with her and my friends. I can handle whatever Amos throws in my direction.

Even if it hurts my pride.

“You’re just a child,” Amos accuses while holding his gut. His chuckles linger, breaking out every so often as he wipes his brow. “My God, Alexandra must be pumping all sorts of lies into your head if you’re expecting to win here.”

“Has your security shown up yet? Or responded to your messages?”

The smile of amusement fades slightly when he pats the pocket where his phone sits. I feel victorious then, waiting to see if he’ll check his phone or not. Or will he walk to the door and check the lawn that’s swarming with my security team?

His gaze darkens as he asks, “What do you know about that?”

“I mean, you think I’m just a child, right?” I tease while examining my cuticles. “Not much I can do by myself.”

“You’re playing with fire, boy.”

I shrug and offer my most genuine smile, hoping he understands this is as personal as it’s going to get. “Here’s what’s going to happen, Amos. You’re going to get on your knees and apologize profusely about the damage you’ve done to Alex. Then, I’m going to strangle you to death. Mafia-style. How’s that sound?”

Another laugh bursts from him. “You’ve blown a fuse. You really think you can get away with something like that?”

“Uh, I don’t think, old man. I know I can get away with that.”

“You won’t even be able to wrap those tiny hands around my neck.”

The low blow stings, but I don’t show it. “Want to make a bet out of it?”

“And what are we betting?”

“Our lives, of course. What do you think?”

He scoffs while advancing toward me, his fingers curling into his palms to prepare for our fight. We haven’t even set our rules yet and he’s eager to begin. That tells me everything I need to know about him. “If I survive this—which I will—I get the estate, the empire, and Alex.”

“Sure, why not?” I tease while cracking my knuckles. “And if I survive, I get the pleasure of having put Alex’s abuser into the dirt where he belongs.”

He growls. “You won’t succeed with that wimpy build. I’m stronger than you, boy.”

“I’m sure that kind of banter works on lesser men, but you’ve met your match, Amos.” I hold up my fists. “So, if you’re done talking shit, I’m ready to kill you.”

I expect him to lunge forward out of anger, to lose his bearings over an idiot kid making fun of him. But he doesn’t do that. While I crouch behind my fists, he advances slowly, his fists at his sides while he assesses me. If he’s expecting security to burst through the front door while we prepare to wrestle to our deaths, he’ll be sorely disappointed to discover that they’re not coming at all.

The guards aren’t dead. My team simply disarmed them and will hold them until I walk out that door with Amos’s blood on my hands. I already told Alex not to get involved, assuring her that I would easily reclaim her mansion and her empire while defending her honor. As I observe Amos and wait for his move, I hold her image in my mind, clinging to the faith she has in me to do this for her.

“Come on, old man,” I taunt. “You know you want to knock the lights out of me.”

“Losing your patience already?”

I smirk while spitting to the side, keeping my eyes on him. “Never.”

He shrieks while lunging toward me, rearing back his right fist to plant into my face. While raising my arms to block his strike, I kick his leg, causing his knee to buckle. He lands his fist on my shoulder and I fall backward, grabbing his shirt to steady my position. While trying to right my footing, he lands his other fist on my cheek, causing lights to dance in my vision.

Recovering my position takes extra effort. This is nothing like fencing, the kind of gritty sport that most Pershings wouldn’t ever reduce themselves to doing. But I’m not denying my girl her right to safety and security. The moment she told me about what Amos did to her was the moment I knew I would be the one taking his life.

For her. It’s all for her.
