Page 1 of Love in Sight

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I’m jolted from my thoughts as the heavy elevator doors slide open. My feet automatically take me toward my car without my attention drifting from my phone. A sinister feeling washes over me, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It feels like someone is watching me. Their presence surrounds me, suffocating me with paranoia, letting me know I’m not alone. My eyes dart around, searching for someone, but they come up short. Picking up my pace to the car, I have to convince myself it’s not real.You’re just being paranoid Lya, everything is fine.

The underground garage is eerily quiet. The only sound comes from the clicking of my heels against the cold concrete. My deep blue Audi R8 sits alone in a sea of emptiness since everyone has already left for the day.

Fishing for my keys at the bottom of my purse, all I can think about is how I should’ve pulled them out before I left my office. If I’d done that, then I could’ve quickly gotten into my car and locked out this uncanny sensation I’m feeling right now.

Relief fills my body as soon as I find my keys. Quickly pressing the unlock button, the switch of the locks echo through the garage as I make my way around to the driver side door.

The moment I reach for the door handle, a blur in the corner of my eye catches my attention. A figure comes toward me in the reflection of the car, but it’s too fuzzy to see who it is. The person in the reflection is larger though, making me sure it’s a man behind me.

Before I have a chance to react, it’s already too late. A crushing blow lands on the side of my head, causing me to stumble against my car and my phone to go crashing to the ground. What this person doesn’t realize is that I’m not down for the count yet, and I fight back like I’ve been trained to do.

Straightening my body against the car, I take a deep breath before lunging at my attacker. His face is covered, with a black ski mask concealing his identity. He grunts loudly as I fight him, but his voice is undecipherable.Who are you?

His large, strong hands grip my upper arms, stopping me from getting any closer to him. One hand leaves my bicep, delivering another blow. I try to take a swing at my attacker with my free arm, but he’s quicker than me. He slams his fist into my temple, slinging my head back. The pressure radiating through my skull lets me know there’s already a knot forming where he hit me.That’s going to hurt like a bitch tomorrow.If there is a tomorrow.

This time the blackness comes and there’s no way to stop it. With no more strength left in me, my body crashes down onto the solid ground, no longer able to fight back. A tear falls from my eye and lands on the cold, hard concrete beneath me. This feels like the end. Like I’m never going to see the only people in this world who love me again.

All because I was selfish.


Finally.I finally got her alone long enough to take her. There’s no way she’ll escape me now. I can finally do with her what I’ve been dying to do since the day I first saw her. She walks around like she’s untouchable, like nothing and no one could ever get to her, but I did. I got to the infamous Lya Vanderhall, without her even realizing what I was doing right under her nose the entire time. She’s mine now and no one will ever be able to find her again.

A lot of organizing had to be made to get her goons to leave her side long enough for me to put my plan into action, but it worked. One little phone call was all it took for them to leave her vulnerable. Those knights in shining armor would do anything for their queen, but what they didn’t realize is they left her unprotected while the dragon was lurking in the shadows.

A beaming smile spreads across my face seeing her lying here in the trunk of my car. She is such a gorgeous woman, but knocked out like this she looks angelic. Too bad I know the truth. I know the darkness that simmers beneath her skin, itching to be freed. That same itch consumed me, but she was the trigger I needed to bring the darkness out. She is simultaneously my awakening and my downfall. Sweet, sweet Lya. I will be your undoing.


Eight weeks earlier

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Not that god-awful alarm again. What makes it worse is the fact that it’s a Monday. Mondays are the worst. I reach around the hunk of muscle in front of me and aimlessly slap for the snooze button until it’s finally quiet.

Laying my head back down, I start drifting to sleep when a tattooed hand slithers over my waist, trailing soft touches across my body until it finally rests on my breast. The moment I finally doze off, I’m suddenly tugged back into a large, hard body. A girl can really get used to all the muscle in this house.

Zep, my fucking handsome man, grabs my chin between his thumb and forefinger, pulling my face toward him so I’m looking directly into his beautiful blue eyes. His blond hair is messy, framing his face.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” he murmurs, his gravelly morning voice catching my ear. He presses his soft lips to mine before I have the chance to answer. I deepen the kiss and grip Zep's bottom lip between my teeth, eliciting a moan from him.

Zep pulls me closer, and something cold, like metal, hits my back.Is that his piercing? Is he not wearing underwear? Oh hell, who cares.I push my ass back into his erection.

“If you keep doing that, we’ll never get to work today,” he moans.

Reaching over with his free hand, he slaps Thiago, and I shift my eyes back to the sleeping man in front of me. Raking my gaze down his body, I take in his defined abs and tanned skin. His raven hair hangs messily over his closed eyes, since he doesn’t have it styled like usual. He looks so peaceful laying there with his arm bent under the pillow. Honestly, his arms are so fucking toned it should be illegal—out of all the guys, Thiago’s are the most defined. They make me weak on sight. The sheet barely covers his hips, still allowing me to see that sweet deep V on his toned body. My eyes gaze down at the dark trail of hair that leads right to his delicious cock. I’m salivating just thinking about having him inside of me.

“Wake up and help me please my girl, T,” Zep growls.

“She’s our girl, Zep,” Thiago sleepily grumbles.

“Same difference. Now get up and put that Portuguese tongue to good use on Lya.”

Thiago opens his deep cocoa eyes, fluttering his thick black lashes, and turns toward me. “Good morning,meu amor,” he says in his beautiful accent. He reaches out and grabs my taut nipple through my tank top.He’s not playing around this morning.
