Page 8 of Love in Sight

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He slides in nice and slow, allowing me to get used to him. I can feel every ridge and vein of his cock, filling me so much I can hardly breathe. His piercings glide against my tight walls, making the sensation even more overwhelming. My body is starting to tingle already from the intensity of his size.

I stare up into his blue eyes with a little hint of shock on my face. A sexy smile spreads across his face and he gives me about two seconds before he pulls all the way out and slams back into me. “Zep!” I scream as electricity sparks up my body. His body glides through the slickness between my thighs, the feeling making me want him even more.

As if knowing exactly what I need right now, he doesn’t let up, fucking me hard and fast. My core tightens and I know I'm about to explode around him. Zep reads my body so well. He circles his thumb over my clit and I combust, causing my pussy to suffocate his cock. Stars. Stars are the only thing I see as Zep finds his release while my pussy still pulses around him. Before I can catch my breath, Zep is pulled away from me. Rian lifts my body off the couch and flips me to my hands and knees. The sudden movement is enough to give me whiplash.

I can feel Zep’s hot release sliding down my thighs. “Fuck, Rian,” I gasp as he wraps my hair around his fist and pulls me up so I’m just on my knees with my head turned to face him.

He is so close to me that I can feel his lips brush against mine when he speaks. “It’s my turn to have my way with you, dirty girl.”I love it when he calls me that. It really fucking turns me on.

I’m taken by surprise when Rian slams into my pussy. He reaches his hand around to pinch my nipple. “Ahh!” I scream as he pinches without remorse. He gives enough slack on my hair for me to rest my hands on the couch again, but he doesn’t let go. He rears his other hand back and spanks my ass with so much force that my body can’t help but move forward. “That's for denying me,” he scolds me.

Thiago slides his large frame beneath me. I take the base of his cock in my palm as I glide my mouth over the rest of his length. I use my hand and my mouth to work over this sexy man while Rian fucks me hard from behind. My eyes catch a tattooed figure watching us, desire painted on his face. My guys may not touch each other, but they find no shame in watching each other pleasure me.

I can feel Thiago start to twitch in my hand, telling me that he’s coming. I shove him farther down my throat, as deep as I can go. His salty cum fills my throat just as a rush of warmth fills my core. Thiago groans loudly as his dick finally stops twitching. “So damn amazing,meu amor.”

I am completely drained and my limbs can’t hold me up anymore. My body flops down forcefully on Thiago, my head landing directly on his delicious six pack.How can he have so much muscle, but still be so comfortable?I could fall asleep right here.My eyelids grow heavy and slowly close as I focus on Thiago’s rhythmic breathing.

“Baby.” Rian runs his hand up my spine and moves a piece of hair from my face. “Let's get you a shower, then you can sleep.” His voice forces my eyes open and he reaches out a hand to help me up.

“Okay, I’ll have a shower. Whoever wants to join me in bed tonight can,” I say as I take his hand and haul myself off of Thiago.

The master bedroom is mine, and the bed is large enough for all four of us to fit comfortably. Which is surprising, considering my guys have massive bodies. If I had my way I’d have them all with me every night, but I leave that up to them.

For the most part, they all are usually with me, but sometimes they need alone time. I can’t say I really blame them. Although our relationship isn’t what people consider the norm, we work so well together—but like all relationships, sometimes you just need time to yourself. Our separate rooms allow us to have that space we each might need.

Crawling into bed, it feels cold without the men I love, but this feeling doesn’t last long. I smile when a large body slides in behind me. The tattooed arm wrapping around my waist tells me that the body behind me is Zep. My body relaxes molding into his. A few moments later, Thiago slides in front of me. “Is Rian not coming?” I ask him.

“He said he needed to be alone tonight,meu amor,” he replies as he leans down for a kiss. I smile up at him, trying not to let him see that I’m disappointed.

Out of the three, I know that Rian is the most broken. He has a shattered soul and hides it from the world with his humor, but I wish that he wouldn’t hide it from me. He does things he isn’t proud of because he has less control than the other two, but I wish he wouldn’t stay away just because he thinks that his actions will push me away. Nothing he could do would push me away. I love him and his flaws with all that I am. I can’t force him to do anything, but I will keep loving him until the day I die. With that thought, my eyes close and the world drifts away.


Thursday approached faster than I anticipated since we’ve been so busy this week. I’m glad Friday is right around the corner, because I could use the weekend off. I’ve barely had any time to relax, let alone squeeze in enough time with the guys. Brandon is making progress on the project for Greyson—he’s come up with a design, coding algorithm, and started formatting the beta app for Greyson to review.

Today, I’m on my own in the office since the guys are off scouting a guy named Jack Avirette. They asked me to go with them, but I’m behind on work and I already had plans with my best friend, Tara. So I figured they could handle this one on their own. We found his name swirling around the dark web in relation to sex trafficking, so we’re hoping he could lead us in the right direction with finding my sister. They already had plans to buy some weapons today, so they figured they’d just pay Arivette a visit after they’ve finished.

Zep can never have too many weapons, so the boys decided to make a day of it. He has a passion for guns and other weapons, all stemming from his childhood. Out of all of us, Zep probably had the most functional parents. He didn’t grow up with much, but he did have two parents who loved him deeply and tried to provide for their family. He’s a classic West Side guy—he grew up running with the locals, but that meant growing up surrounded by gang violence.

Zep was close to his uncle as a kid, but his uncle was a member of the West Side Snakes. It was a life his uncle never wanted for him, but he did want to make sure Zep could properly protect himself and his family if he ever needed to. His uncle taught him the ins and outs of every weapon you could ever imagine getting your hands on.

Zep can disassemble and reassemble basically any gun in thirty seconds or less—he’s that skilled. He’s spent some time over the years teaching me and the guys both weapon and fighting skills.

Coming from the West Side, Zep quickly learned how to protect himself through fighting anyone who dared come at him. Once he got older, he began honing his skills by becoming trained in krav maga.

Three times a week, we all have mandatory training sessions with him in our home gym. Sometimes we have our sessions together, but other times we have one on one workouts. One day we might be doing cardio, another we might lift weights, and the next we work on our fighting skills. Zep likes to keep us on our toes by always changing our routine, so we’ll be ready for anything. You never know when you’re going to need to handle yourself in a sticky situation. I had the computer smarts, but thanks to him, I gained physical strength and street smarts.

As much as I like our training sessions, most of the time I leave the gym feeling horny as hell watching all of my guys get sweaty from fighting each other. Three hot men, shirtless, sweaty, and punching the shit out of each other is enough to make me come on the spot, so naturally I try to turn our training sessions into sex sessions instead. It’s worked a few times, but Zep takes training very seriously.

For us it’s a hobby to learn these new skills, but for him it was a means of survival. He grew up in the middle of two rival gangs, so if he wanted to make it out alive without getting jumped in, he had to be savvy. By the time Zep was sixteen, he’d watched two of his best friends die right before his eyes. They were walking back home after fixing up some cars at his cousin's auto body shop, when a car drove by spraying bullets in their direction. His best friends had both been jumped into the West Side Snakes the week before and with that came consequences.

Zep was shot in the shoulder and leg, but he never stopped fighting. As he bled out on the concrete, he did everything he could to save his friends but it was already too late. He was able to call his uncle before passing out from his blood loss. He woke up a week later with his best friends dead and a heart that could never be repaired. He holds so much guilt and grief inside of him that I wish I could take away.

Since that day, Zep has made it his mission to make sure we’re never unprotected or unprepared. I used to be a scared little girl hopelessly searching for her sister, before I met the guys. They have all helped me grow in different ways, but I think Zep has helped me find myself the most. His training has turned me from that scared little girl to a little badass.

Although all the guys can handle their own, Rian decided it would be best if they all went to investigate this Jack Arrivette guy today. If he’s smart then he’ll confess in a matter of seconds. My guys might be giant softies when it comes to me, but they are intimidating as hell when it comes to outsiders. With Zep’s tattoos and muscles on muscles, Thiago’s intimidating interrogation tactics, and Rian’s observant eyes that pick up on the smallest of details, any person unfortunate enough to be in their line of fire is in for a healthy dose of fear and chaos.

I’m getting horny just thinking about them interrogating someone. What the fuck is wrong with me?
