Page 118 of Blood of the Saints

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He’s not Tommy. Tommy is dead. You killed him.

Snap out of it.

Shaking off my memories, I get myself back in the right headspace. “I don’t think so, big guy. Let me take care of you first.” I press my ass back into his hard cock, trying not to show my disgust, before slipping out of his grasp. Inside the dimly lit room is a deep, navy large armchair and plush couch. A side and coffee table are placed around the furniture, but there’s not much else here.

A few decorations line the walls, likely to make it seem more comfortable, but that’s about it. There’s a door at the back of the room, but I’m not sure if it leads to another room or a closet. We went over the blueprints of this place before coming in, but I wasn’t paying too much attention to the extra doors in each room since the guys didn’t give me much time to take the prints in.

The atmosphere is meant to be sexy, alluring, enough to fill everyone’s desires. Sensual music plays in the background, making my body shiver, wondering how often and what exactly these rooms are used for. Who knows, that door could lead to a closet full of sex toys and instruments.

Maybe something the guys would be into.

“You think you’re in control, beautiful?” Novak protests as I try to push him back toward the armchair.

“Let me show you just how much you’ll like my control. It will be very, very rewarding.” I give him the flirtiest smile I can while still trying to push him back to the chair. He finally relents, allowing me to take over. Quickly straddling him, I press up on my knees so my chest is perfectly aligned with his face.

My fingers thread through his hair, pulling his head back so he can look me in the eyes. He’s staring at me like he wants to devour me, hold me captive for all eternity, but I won’t let it get that far. His large palms land on my hips, and he digs his strong fingers into my flesh aggressively, almost making me flinch.

“No touching until I say so.” His jaw drops, but he follows my command, removing his hands from my body and placing them on the arms of the chair. I’m honestly surprised he’s letting me take control right now. He doesn’t seem like the type to let a woman push him around, but maybe he’s interested to see how this will play out.

With you chained in a torture dungeon giving me the answers I need, hopefully.

“So bossy. You going to spank me too?” His tone is playful, like he thinks this is a joke, but he’s about to get the surprise of his life. He licks his lips before dropping his gaze to my mouth. He attempts to kiss me, but I pull his head back, yanking his hair as hard as I can, forcing a hiss to leave his mouth.

“You better be a good boy and listen to me,” I whisper seductively. Not going to lie, being the one in control is so fucking empowering. Maybe I can get Ace to let me dominate him sometime. Now that would be a lot of fun.

Leaning into him, I push my chest into his face, so he can’t see anything else. I let one hand drop from his head while I reach for the syringe in my pocket. He practically motorboats my chest while trying to lift his hips so he can press his hard cock into my core.

He’s not very good at listening.

I’m able to slip the syringe out of my pocket, but I fumble to get the cap off with only one hand. Novak apparently senses my hesitation, pulling his head back from my chest. Before I can put the syringe back in my pocket, he grabs ahold of my wrist.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

My heart pounds hard in my chest, sweat coats my brow, and all I can hope right now is that the guys are about to burst in here. The way Novak looks at me like he’s no longer down to fuck. More like he’s down to fuck me up.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he roars while squeezing my wrist even harder, forcing me to drop the syringe. He watches it fall, allowing me to take this as my opportunity to catch him off guard. With my other hand, I throw a punch at his face while attempting to pull away from him.

His head knocks back, but his grip only tightens on my wrist, promising to leave a bruise there tomorrow.

“You bitch.” His other hand slams into my temple, causing me to topple to the floor. Black spots line my eyes as I try to blink them away.

He lets go of my wrist as I fall, but he quickly follows behind me, landing on top of me on the cold hardwood floor. “Now you’ll see what I’m like when I’m in control.” One hand comes to my throat and the other pushes up the hem of my skirt so my panties are exposed. He forcefully rubs his finger over my nub through my panties as I try to buck my hips to get him off me. I’m using my hands to push him, but he’s like a solid wall.

Memories of Tommy holding me down, punching me, forcing me to do things that I didn’t want to do, flood my memory. Every inch of my skin is crawling with disgust and anger, but I refuse to let Tommy or any man destroy me like that again.

Never again.

I am stronger than this.

I am bigger than this.

I can fight this.

My hands find his face and I press my thumbs into his eye sockets before dragging my fingers down his perfect skin, leaving claw marks that threaten to bleed. His screams of pain pierce through my ears as he pulls back away from me, giving me a chance to punch him in the jaw again. My knuckles sting, but I focus on getting myself out from under his body.

I’m able to wiggle out from under him while he huffs out a string of angry curses, but he lunges at me again. He tries to grab my ankle, but I kick him square in the chest with my pointed heel, knocking him backward.

Praise all the saints in Heaven above that the guys let me wear heels tonight.
