Page 177 of Blood of the Saints

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Zamira. I have sweet, strong Zamira.

She’s worth living for. She’s worth dying for. She’s everything.

Her arms wrap around my neck, and I pull her into me, placing my hands on her back. All the thoughts about taking my life vanish with her in my arms.

I do have something to live for. This girl makes me feel more than I have in years. She might push my buttons, but I’ve fallen headfirst in a pool of acid for her. These feelings for her burn like I’m on fire, but they never go away.

“I love you. I fucking love you so much, it pisses me off most time especially when I want to throttle you. You’re mine. Always, but I’m still going to punish you for keeping secrets. You will fucking take what I give you, and you won’t argue with me,” I whisper in her ear. She lets out the breath she was holding, relieved by my words. She’d rather me punish her than lose me.

“I love you too.” I know she’s said it before, but my heart still swells at hearing the words fall from her beautiful lips. “I forgive you, Ace.” She forgives me? Did she hear what I whispered to her when I thought she was sleeping? I never thought I could feel so relieved. I don’t deserve her forgiveness, but I’ll fight to feel like I’ve earned it.

She pulls back, her eyes silently telling me to be more understanding, before I turn to Theon and Blais. She wants to protect all of us and this puts her in a weird position, but I’ll placate her for now.

My eyes fall on Theon. His face is already bruising and swelling from the damage Zamira and I did to him. “This isn’t over,brother.” His jaw clenches, but he nods.

I’m pissed at Theon… hell, beyond pissed, and I’ll get my revenge from him at another time. Fuck, probably even later tonight, but I know what I need right now.

I need to get my aggression out, and not with violence this time. Blood is already filling my cock at the possibilities of what’s about to happen.

Grabbing Zamira’s arm, I spin her so her back is against me. “Are you ready to pay, temptress?” I growl.

Inever knew a threat of punishment could be so sexy, but the rasp and desperation in his voice almost tips me over the edge. “Yes,” I breathe. My heart races, anticipating he’ll make good on his threat.

“Good girl.” Ace’s breath hits the back of my neck, sending chills down my spine. “You proved that you’re ours, now let us take what we need. Let us punish your perfect body.”

Before I can say anything Ace snakes one hand around my waist, moving the other to my neck. I’m pretty sure choking me is his favorite thing to do, the thing that gets him off the most. I can’t say I oppose; his hand around my throat feels like heaven.

He pulls my body into his, squeezing my neck even harder. “What am I going to do with you, temptress? You’re already keeping shit from me.”

“Do your worst,” I croak through the little air I have. The other times I've told Ace and the guys to do their worst, I meant it, but now,I have feelings for them.

“Oh, we will, even if you don’t want us to. But you’d want that, wouldn’t you, dark girl?” That’s a new nickname, but I can’t stop the moan that escapes when it comes out of Ace’s mouth.

I nod as enthusiastically as I can under his tight grip.

“Say it,” Ace demands.

“Yes, I want it.”

Ace shows his appreciation of my response by grinding his hard, thick cock into my back while he licks the side of my face. “Blais, get that piece of shit off the chains, then cross them.”

Blais does what he’s told, releasing the chains, and Matt’s dead body falls to the ground. Once he’s down, Blais takes the cuffs off Matt’s wrists and ankles, then connects the chains protruding from the ceiling with the opposite metal hook on the ground, making an X right above Matt’s lifeless body.

“Blais, come strip our girl,” Ace barks.

The asshole is pissed, completely ignoring Theon’s existence. My sympathetic eyes meet Theon’s beautiful hazels, which are void of emotion. He seems to have accepted his fate, but I won’t let that happen.

“Theon… I need you too.” My eyes beg him to fight against his brother right now. To fight for me.

Ace’s growls rumble against my back as Theon moves in front of me beside Blais, putting me in the middle of my sexy men triangle.

“Theon, touch me,” I beg.

“No!” Ace snarls. I’m testing his control, going against everything he wants right now, but I refuse to leave Theon out.

Theon’s eyes challenge Ace’s behind me. “I know you’re pissed at me, brother, but what our girl wants, she gets.” His massive hand comes up, kneading my breast through my bloody white tank top, the tingling sensation eliciting a moan out of me.

They might be fighting each other, but their possessive fight over me is fucking hot.
