Page 46 of Blood of the Saints

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“That’s the spirit. Alright, you ready?” Ace asks as he lowers the gun from my face and takes a step back from me, causing the board to wobble. I tense as I try to keep from falling to my death.

Once I’m stable, my body relaxes a little, until Ace presses the gun into my chest right where my heart is.

“First question. What do you want with the club?” Instead of giving him the satisfaction of answering, I remain quiet. “You’ve got five seconds to answer or take a step backward.” I keep my lips pressed together and my chin held high.

“Five…four...three…two…one. Time’s up.” He pushes against my chest with the gun, causing my shaky legs to stumble back a bit. I’m only about four steps to the end of the diving board so this little game won’t last long if I keep it up.

“Next question. What do you want with us?”

“I don’t want shit to do with you guys,” I say aggressively, but my voice still quivers. It’s the truth. I had no idea who they were before I went into that club. My target is Novak; they just had to put themselves in my path. I never would’ve been suspicious of them if they didn’t fucking drug and kidnap me.

“Lies, lies, lies. I don’t like liars,” Ace snickers. “You know, I was going to play with you before I went straight for the kill, but you’re boring me. I’m getting tired of this silly game you’re playing so I might as well end it. Anything you want to say before I pull the trigger?”

“Eat a dick,” I say abruptly. If he’s going to kill me, I’m not going to look weak in front of him. I’ll look him dead in the eyes as he does what he’s aching to do.

“Suit yourself.” Ace’s voice is calm, but there’s no denying the malice dripping from his words. He swings the gun up to my head digging it into my skin. “Remember you chose this, Agent Stone.” He chuckles before I hear a faint click as he pulls the trigger.

My entire body tenses as I suck in air, waiting for the bullet to pierce through my skull and end me, but all I get is an evil fucking laugh. Suddenly, his hand wraps around my throat and I’m gasping for air.

“Looks like I forgot to load the bullets, what a shame. Let me fix that so next time I pull the trigger, it actually goes through.” He releases my throat, ripping a cough from my throat as he pulls a loaded clip out of his pocket, replacing the empty clip with it. He didn’t forget, the asshole did that to fuck with me. He cocks the gun again, and this time, I know it’s actually loaded. “Take a step back since you didn’t answer.”

I move my foot back, getting closer to the edge. The board is starting to tilt downward and it’s still shaking from how uneasy my legs are.

“Why do you want Novak?” Ace spits out another question, like I’m actually going to entertain the idea of answering. He’s playing sick fucking games with my head and no matter what, I know this won’t end well for me so I have the choice to give them what they want, where they may or may not believe me, or I can stay true to myself and fuck them over as best as I can.

“Don’t make me count down again,” Ace threatens, but before I can even take a step back, he lifts the gun again and squeezes the trigger. My ears ring from how loud the shot was, but I don’t have much time to think about that because a sharp pain radiates through my left arm. The stinging burn scorches through my skin, making my arm feel limp.

Looking down, I see blood pouring down my arm and dripping down into the water.

Holy fuck. He actually shot me. The jackass didn’t even give me time to step back before his trigger-happy finger shot me.

Shit, that stings. It hurts but I’m sure the adrenaline is masking how much pain I’m really in.

“Dude, what the fuck?” I hear Blais say off to my side, but I’m too stunned from what just happened.

“It’s just a graze on her arm. She’ll be fine,” Ace says through gritted teeth.

Just a graze, my ass. There's at least a five-inch gash in my upper arm. The bullet might not have lodged in my skin, but saying it’s a graze is putting it mildly.

“Now you see that I’m being serious.” He takes a large step toward me that causes me to stumble back a little. The board dips further down closer to the water and I’m even more unsteady on my feet.

“I don’t like playing these games, Agent Stone, but you’ve really given us no choice. We could’ve had a clean discussion, but you chose to be stubborn instead.” He starts to bend his knee pressing into the board with his foot, causing it to bounce up and down even more.

“Stop!” I yell, but that only eggs him on more. He lifts his leg high and then slams it back down on the board, causing me to lose my balance. My entire body falls backward as I slam into the cold, blue water.

Kicking as best as I can, I try to push myself to the surface, but my body is not working. My legs feel like bricks and I can’t move my arms since they are tied behind my back.

I’m going to die. I’m going to die the same way my family did.

Fight, Zamira, fight.

I can hear muffled voices above me, but I can’t tell what they’re saying. It sounds like they’re arguing, but I can’t be sure.

Something tugs on my shirt and my entire body is pulled upward. Thank god. My head breaches the water and I suck in as much air as I can. Looking up, I see Ace’s demented green eyes glaring down at me as he lies down on the diving board with his hand gripped around my shirt.

“Are you ready to stop being a stubborn pain in the ass and give in?”

I’m trying to formulate and answer, but my entire body is shaking and my teeth are chattering so bad that I can’t get anything out.
