Page 129 of Love Triggered

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Letting go of her hand, I reach into my pocket and pull out the box. Her eyes widen and she sits up out of the water, as I lift and open the box.

“Grey…” she whispers.

“Lainey Marie Vanderhall. I love you with all my black heart, and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

Her eyes slide from the ring, to my eyes, then back to the ring. It’s quiet for far longer than I’d like. Her eyes fill with tears, but suddenly she smiles at me.

“Yes, Greyson. A million times yes,” she squeals, standing in the tub, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me until it feels like my lips are going to fall off. I don’t even notice that she’s drenching my clothes. Lifting her in my arms, I carry her from the tub to the bedroom and lay her down on the bed.

I settle into the bed beside her and she curls up under my arm, laying her head on my chest.

“I love you, Greyson.”

“I love you, too, angel.”

She lifts her head up to kiss me and it’s all a blur from there, making love all night. I lose track of just how many orgasms we give each other—all I know is that we didn’t get any sleep.

It’s been a long, hard road and we still have a ways to go to get past all the trauma we’ve both endured, but we’re here and we’re doing it together. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me and my angel.
