Page 32 of Captured By the Fae

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She shook her head. “You seem…distressed.”

I sighed. “It was a hard training session. The King trained me, and it was…” My cheeks flushed when I thought about him, his powerful hands on my body when he’d helped me up.

Bessie’s eyes twinkled. “He’s quite something, isn’t he?”

I blushed harder. “I’d like to take a bath.”

“I’ll draw one for you,” she said.

The corners of her mouth twitched with a smile. I hated that she’d seen me blushing about the King. But it was Bessie—she was always here, and I saw her as a friend of sorts. She knew what happened behind the scenes. And I could relate to her because she was a human servant. That’s all I had ever been until King Rainier offered me a position as a warrior.

When Bessie announced the bath was ready, I thanked her, and she left without me needing to dismiss her a second time. I stripped off my clothes and dumped them into the laundry basket before I climbed into the hot water. The tub was filled to the brim, and the water was up to my chin. I added bath salts and foam to ease the ache in my muscles.

When I lay back in the bath, I closed my eyes. I’d fallen asleep here more than once, drained after training.

But today, my thoughts kept wandering to Rainier and the way he’d looked at me. I’d wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to know what it would be like to have his lips on mine, and his large body pressed up against me. His hands roaming my body…

I slid my hands over my body under the water, my skin slippery with the bath salts and minerals. Heat washed through my body, and I touched myself, cupping my breasts. My nipples were erect with lust, and my center throbbed and ached with need.

It was wrong of me to think about the King this way. It was wrong of me to want a male who belonged to another. But the way he’d looked at me, with eyes filled with a desire that echoed my own… My imagination took over.

I imagined my hands were his and slid them over my curves. I pushed my fingers into the folds of my sex and ran them in circles over my clit. I imagined it was his tongue pleasuring me.

The lust unfurled at my core and spread through my body, and I rubbed myself faster and faster. I gasped, and the water lapped up and splashed against the side of the tub, dripping on the floor. But my eyes were closed, and I pictured the King, his body naked and hovering over mine. He was so tall and broad to my slight figure. He could crush me with his strength, but the gentleness I’d seen in his eyes had told me he wouldn’t hurt me. The concern when he’d thought hehadhurt me told me I was safe.

I pictured him rearing over me as his thick cock plunged into me, taking everything I wanted to give him.

When the orgasm took over my body, I cried out, my body jerking and contracting as pleasure washed over me in waves.

It took only a moment before the orgasm faded, but I breathed hard, muscles trembling. I submerged myself in the hot water and relished in the aftermath of my pleasure, letting the thoughts of being with the King linger just a bit longer before I would have to force them away again.


Ididn’t see the King for a week after that. At first, I hoped he would come to train me again. I wanted to see him, to get to know him. I wanted to see if the same connection, the same spark, would appear. Or had it only been a one-off thing?

But he stayed away.

Was it because of what had happened? Or was it because he was busy doing his duties and taking care of business? I hoped it was the latter, but I worried it was the former.

When I arrived in the arena one morning, it wasn’t Nylah who was there to meet me, the way she usually was. It wasn’t King Rainier, either.

Lucia awaited me.

“Hello, Ellie,” she said sweetly.

“Your Highness,” I said politely.

“Oh, none of that,” she laughed. The sound rubbed against my skin like sandpaper, and I cringed. “When we’re training, we’re equals. You can call me Lucia.”

“You’re training me today?” I asked, unsure. I glanced at her clothing.

Lucia wore what could pass for training clothes, if it hadn’t been so embellished with diamonds and thread. Her pants and top were leather, as were mine, but hers looked like they were more for show. Her long blonde hair hung loose over her shoulders, too. She hadn’t tied it back and out of the way for a training session.

“Nylah is busy,” Lucia said. “Everyoneis busy.” By the way she emphasized the word, I assumed she meant Rainier, too. “I offered to step in and help. I like to meet with the female warriors from time to time, you know. Us girls need to stick together.” Her smile was syrupy sweet, and she winked at me.

“Okay,” I said.

Lucia nodded, and without warning, she threw a wave of magic at me. It was scalding hot, like metal in the fire, and I had to concentrate on fighting it. I blocked it, because I’d learned how to focus on my center immediately, and the magic bounced off me. The heat lingered on my skin, and I shook my hands, trying to get rid of the pain. She’d physically burned me.
