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I have a feeling he knows something I don’t but I there’s no time to grill him. We only have two hours left to get the girls safe and the coke going in the right direction on Dante’s trucks because we blew up most of Mario’s.

We are the last to leave the dungeon and we take a minute to make sure the van is ready to take the girls for medical care and those crimes go against my brothers. There are too many of them for him to prevent them to be material witnesses no matter who my brothers paid off in law enforcement and witness protection programs.

But the reality is that they are the first girls to ever escape, and most will just want to go home, and not risk their life with a trial if my brothers survive tonight.

“Have someone one call the media for the hospital, Sal, please,” I plead with him. “You know the girls won’t be safe, it’s the only way I can think that will subvert an all-out attack on them at the hospital. Mario has other hands in this trade, we don’t know if who is gunning for them is out there . . . or us for that matter.”

“You don’t need my permission, it’s a great idea. Use your burner phone.”

“Right.” I whip it out and dial quickly, speaking so fast, I have to repeat myself as I give the biggest tip of the century to the media.

I hang up the phone and look to Sal as I re-do my hair. I’m a hot mess right now. Jittery with excitement, the mix of real combat, being so close to Sal, and the final confrontation being upon us is a drug in itself. I’m buzzing.

“We’ll find her, she has to be here somewhere. There are lots of places left. Angelo didn’t know where she was but said she’s alive. She could be anywhere, even at the compound,” Sal offers hope in my despair.

I appreciate his attempt at hope, and I realize I can’t give up now. I’ve come so far.

Sal checks in with Dante. The ship has been secured, and now, we need Angelo’s men to load trucks and get them out of here before thepoliziaarrive.

“Let’s go to the dock where Angelo’s men are,” Sal suggests. “You know what this means, right?”

“That I’m the new don.”

“Yes.” I know he’s proud of me, but the sadness in his voice can’t be camouflaged.

“It’s all so fast, I don’t know what I want, Sal. I ran away from all this, now it’s in my lap.”

“Think fast.” He coolly walks toward the Jeeps Matteo is driving slowly, giving us a chance to hop on the running boards to the other dock with the storage unit, just as Angelo had instructed, there is a storage unit, and inside it is approximately fifty men.

Their faces are filled with confusion as they don’t know if they will be mowed down with our guns or saved.

“Look, I know I’m a Conti,” I shout so they can hear in the back. “I’m not like the rest of my family. However tonight, we liberated Angelo Calabrese and we’re here to set you free. If you want to remain part of the new family going forward, stay and help us take the compound, if not, you can leave no questions asked.”

The men are all talking amongst themselves.

“We have to move! Now,” I yell taking control of the lull in action. I’m pumped up, I’m out for a whole new level of vengeance.

The men are well trained as they all follow my orders and Matteo tosses them their guns that were collected and leaning up against a wall. I’m sure they were made to leave them here before they entered.

They load up and our men are with them because we can’t totally trust them, but we have more fire power with them, so we tipped the outcome of this war into our favor as we head back to the compound for the final showdown.



The rain is soft, and it reminds me of lying in bed with Francesca at the hotel. Alone. Serene. Giving into the emotions and passion that I’ve denied myself for so long. Just the two of us, loving each other. No family business, no distractions.

I’m brought back the present by the sound of the large tires humming on the ride as eight of us are in the SUV heading to the family compound.

“Your brother will be prepared, so don’t take any chances,” I warn her.

“That’s why I have this.” She tugs on her lightweight bulletproof vest.

I made sure Marchello and Matteo wore them as well. Most men don’t, but I knew tonight would be akin to guerrilla warfare, and I was correct in my assumptions. Never underestimate the enemy.

One thing about fighting with family is it’s easier to anticipate their moves as people rarely change their routines or habits. And Francesca knows this family inside and out, so I’m relying on her to not give in to her familial emotions when we need her to show no mercy.

“Dante has the men we left and he’s loading up the trucks to move the product as we speak,” I say, leaning close to Francesca’s ear so she can hear me. And even though we’re sweaty, wet, and nasty by all admissions, I still want her. She always turns me on.
