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“Very,” I concede. “Speaking of luck, where is Valentina? I’d like to get another look at my future bride before we leave. I want you to contact my attorney as the contracts need to be completed by midnight.”

“I’m on it,” he says, glancing around the room. “Valentina was just here.”

I can’t find my blonde-haired, blue-eyed vixen, but I find her friend flirting with some guy. I’m surprised she’s not with Valentina. They’ve been inseparable all night. And why has Laura not noticed her friend missing?

“Hm.” I’m perplexed. “The earlier commotion would create the perfect diversion for a lovely woman who is micromanaged,” I murmur.

“Oh, no. You think she figured out what was going on here?” Savio asks, meeting my eyes. We’re both thinking the same thing.

Bird in a cage sees an opportunity to escape. And she’s in a city where no one would recognize her unless their motivations aren’t honorable.

“Freedom for my little bird. . .”

“I’m so sorry, I should have watched her instead of the hallway.”

“No harm done. You cover this entrance,” I say, exiting through French doors that lead to the garden.

The brisk air greets me and it’s like smelling salts to a man who’s been knocked out. I’m alive, alert, charged with adrenaline to find her before she regrets leaving the building.

The moonless night is not helping with visibility. The short, small, lawn lights that line the edge of the sidewalk are more ornamental than useful.

Anticipating a game of cloak and daggers, I search for tall figures, moving or crouched. Valentina may be a target for those going after Luciano or Giovi. Killing her would make Luciano look dirty.

There are plenty of unscrupulous men underfoot tonight. Some could be contract killers from other mafias. Some could be from the De Luca family who is out to cover up the fact they were the one stealing. The scenarios are endless.

Maybe, just maybe, Luciano was telling the truth and he didn’t cheat us. But if he didn’t, who did?

What I find concerning is the fact that none of the family guards are here and even her overbearing mother didn’t set off any alarms. In fact, where is her mother?

In the shadows, I see two men with ski masks slinking around the short trees and assume they are stalking her. Everyone appears to be on the same board game but Valentina.

Hiding behind a bush, I pick up a nice size rock and toss it to distract the men.

One of them takes the bait and doubles back, coming towards me. My heart races as I wait. From inside my umbrella, I slide out my samurai knife, the steel having been fired and folded ten times.

As soon as he gets close enough, I slice his ankle with my blade. And before he can cry out, I pounce on him, wrapping my dominant arm tightly around his neck. I use my other arm to overlap it and pull as tight as I can, choking him out.

Seeing as how we all wore dress shoes, it left his ankle vulnerable. It’s hard to walk with a severed Achilles tendon. As an added measure, I stab his femoral artery to make sure he doesn’t come after me or Valentina again.

One bad guy down, one more to go.

I stalk the next one with care, making sure I cast no shadow as I pass under the garden lights. I zig zag until I see both my subjects six feet in front of me.

Valentina turns, as if she senses something other than the winter breeze.



The drama caused by the man who said some important card was stolen gives me the opportunity to seize the day. I have no clue what card he’s referring to, nor do I care.

I look for Laura and find her flirting with a handsome man. She’s probably buzzed and oblivious to everything by now. She has zero interest in art and would rather be at a club with her friends, friends I’ve never met. I bet I know more about them than they know about me.

Mama is busy chatting with an old friend, and Papa and Giovi have been gone for some time. They’re probably working the room, looking for another deal or forging new contacts out of the public’s eye.

Inching slowly towards the end of the room, I reach the French doors that lead to the garden. I press the metal bar, assuming it’s locked this time of night, and I’m surprised when it opens. As soon as my high heels touch the brick pavers, I jump for joy at my first taste of freedom in years.

I’m free. I don’t have a guard on me, parents—gone.
