Page 12 of If I Could

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“You don’t think I read?”

“It’s not that. I just didn’t think you’d read Harry Potter. It doesn’t seem like your genre, not that I know you well enough to tell. It’s more of a guess.”

“You’re right. It’s not what I’d typically read. But I read them to my—” He stops suddenly.

“Your what?”

He pauses, then says, “Never mind. You should get going.” He opens the car door for me.

“Thanks,” I say as I get in.

“Have fun on your date.” He gives me a wink. “Hope he’s as cute asIam.”

“I can’t make that judgment until you’re cleaned up and I can actually see you from behind all the dirt.”

“I’ll work on that.” He backs away as I start the engine.

“Bye, Kyle,” I say as I pull out of the driveway.

He gives me a wave, then turns and walks back to the house.

After talking to him, I now have even more questions about who he is and why he’s here. But I have a feeling I may never find out. He seems like a very private person.

When I get to Skeeter’s I see Nina sitting in a booth, looking at her phone. There’s a bottle of beer in front of her and a basket of peanuts.

I go over and sit across from her. “Hey.”

“What the hell took you so long?”

“I made a quick stop.” I grab a menu from the holder on the table.


“What?” I pretend to be engrossed in my menu. I was hoping she wouldn’t ask where I went.

“Where’d you stop?” She sets her phone down on the table.

“Mr. Wilson’s house.”

“Wilson isn’t there. He went to Florida for the summer.”

I look at her. “How’d you know that?”

“Everyone knows. Patty was there when Wilson was telling Ralph about it at the barber last week.”

Patty is Ralph’s wife. Ralph owns the barber shop and Patty sometimes works there, cleaning up or answering the phone. She’s the biggest gossiper in town.

“How come I didn’t hear about it?”

“You never come into town.”

“That’s not true. I’m here all the time. I work in town. I go to the grocery store. I hang out with you.”

“Whatever. So anyway, why were you at Wilson’s house?”

“Because the new guy was there.”

“What new guy?”
