Page 57 of Relapse

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Iexcuse myself from the table without any comment as I move out of the restaurant to talk to my bitch of a mother.

“I’d like to speak to my grandson,” she says, curtly. “I know he had a game today and I’d like to see how it went.”

Despite not wanting anything to do with her, I’d sent mother Tanner’s baseball schedule and I know he also talks to her on facetime, on his tablet, every now and then. The fact that she called my phone instead of his tablet, tells me that she really called to start some bullshit.

“We’re out to eat right now, I’ll have him call you later,” I grit out.

She lets out a dramatic sigh. “You know you can’t keep me from my grandkids, right, Ivy? Even the judge said so.”

We only had to deal with the judge because she protested me getting custody of the kids despite the fact that my sister left them to me and not her. If it weren’t for the family she’d married into, it never would have even gone to court. Yet, she’d ended up with an emergency hearing all because of money. “I’m not keeping them from you and you know it,” I hiss out, glaring at the couple that walks by staring at me. Mother does this to me, turns me into the woman I try not to be, angry, profane, and short tempered.

“Ivy, you were supposed to call and let me know when I could come down to visit, have you done that yet? No,” she answers before I can. “I think of that as keeping them away. I’d hate to have to call Judge Coughney and have him reevaluate his decision on custody.”

I clench my fists at her words, knowing that she’ll do exactly as she says. Yet, I’m not sure she’ll be able to get another bullshit case, no matter the money. The last hearing was an embarrassing shit show and her judge would be an idiot to continue to entertain her.

“I’m pretty sure I heard Jack say he and Coughney were going golfing this Sunday. Maybe I should tag along so we can speak.” My fists clench as she throws the friendship of her current husband and the judge in my face.

Still, I just barely manage to keep it together. “Mother,” I say lowly. “Stop being ridiculous, you can come see the kids whenever you want and you know it.” Sure, I was supposed to let her know when we were settled in so she could come and visit, but she also could have called weeks ago. She’s choosing now just so she can be a bitch about the whole thing.

“Then I will be there next month and I don’t want to hear any bullshit from you about it.” And with those words she hangs up in my face and leaves me itching for a cigarette or anything to take the edge off.

Since I was born, mother has always hated me, all because she chose to have an affair with my father that ended her marriage to Matthew, Kylie’s father, and left her without the money she wanted. Of course it only took her a few years to find another sucker to lick, but she never forgave me for ruining her life. She always had a much more stable relationship with Kylie and now that she’s dead, it seems like she’s lashing out at me even more, starting with the obscene custody hearing that wasn’t worth the hassle or money.

Letting out a sigh, I lean against the building and take a couple of deep breaths.

I need to pull myself back together before I go back in there.

Not only do I hate showing the anger that my mother causes me in front of others, but I don’t want the kids to see me this way. It’s bad enough I had the breakdown with Tanner a couple of weeks ago, I don’t need to have another one, especially not in the middle of a crowded restaurant.

“Are you okay?” Chase’s low voice meets my ears and I open my eyes to find him standing in front of me. There’s concern in his hazel eyes and his arms are crossed over his chest as he watches me intensely.

I take a deep breath, considering lying but I don’t. “No.”

He moves closer and reaches out a hand to grab my arm. The touch is gentle but it causes tingles. My heartbeat quickens and if anything, I only feel slightly more tense. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head, trying to ignore his touch. “Just my mother being her usual self.” I rub at my temples. “Threatening to take the kids, reminding me that she has money to throw at any shady judge she can find.” My fingers start to twitch. “Fuck, I need a cigarette.” I look at Chase.

His head tilts slightly. “Sorry, but I don’t have one.” He continues to watch me, his hand rubbing circles on my arm. I can’t tell if it’s helping or making things worse. “Maybe I have something better though.” He grabs my hand and starts pulling me along the side of the building and I follow, my lips parted slightly in surprise.

We come to a door marked takeout only and he pulls it open. As I look around at the registers and room full of people waiting on orders, I realize we’re on the complete opposite side of the restaurant than where we were sitting. I can’t even see the others as I gaze into the seating area.

Chase doesn’t stop, continuing to pull me until we’re turning around a corner marked restrooms. He pushes one of the doors open before I can get a good glance at it. As the door closes, I realize it’s one of those small, individual bathrooms with only a sink and toilet. This one is fortunately clean and there’s an automatic air freshener sitting above the door, giving the room a floral fragrance.

“What are we doing in here-” My words are cut off as Chace slants his lips across mine.

Like the last time, his lips demand control, leading the kiss. My eyes flutter close. My back hits the hard wall as he presses me up against it, his warm body flush with mine. His hand tangles in my hair, pulling sharply and there’s a slight bite of pain that makes me go lightheaded.

Fucking hell.

Already, my legs feel weak and it feels like my body is on fire as his lips go to my neck. His hand moves from my hair and I let out a groan of displeasure before feeling his hands at the button on my jeans.

I open my eyes to find him looking me in the eye, his gaze hot and heavy. “Tell me to stop.”

Do it, tell him no. You’re in a public bathroom for fuck’s sake with your family and friends in the other room.

“No,” I breathe out. “Keep going.”
