Page 78 of Brutal Winter

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"Two rounds," I say to Todd. He gives a stiff nod. I wait patiently until he returns my drinks. I move over to the table, delivering it.

Moving to my next table, I don't look up as I pull out my order pad. "What can I get for you?" I ask, finally looking up, pen in hand.

My body stiffens as I find the group of men looking at me.

There's six men, all dressed down in accordance to what most wear to Delirium. But that isn't what draws my attention, it's the guns they're all clearly carrying. I know for a fact they're not allowed on anyone but the guards inside the club. Even before the shooting it was a rule, and there'd been more measures put in place afterwards.

The biggest man has his arms propped up on the table in a lazy gesture but there seems to be something more dangerous to him than the others. Tattoos run up the side of his neck, just barely noticeable past his dreads. His dark gaze is riveted on me, a toothpick between his lips. I get a flash of gold in his mouth as he looks at me. The white tee he's wearing shows off thick muscles which are covered in even more tattoos.

His gaze never wavers from mine.

You live with the Costa Family, don't show fear to some strange man. He can't be as dangerous as...

"What's your name, doll?" the man asks, pulling the toothpick from his mouth as he leans back, spreading his legs.

I blink and a hot flash runs down my spine. Something is screaming at me not to give him my real name. "Amber." I quickly give him the false name, refusing to let my hands shake as I stare back at him.

He lets out a humorless laugh, displaying white teeth. "You really expect me to believe that's your name?" he asks.

"Believe it if you want to or not. That's not my concern." I refuse to show him weakness. I may not be brave enough to mouth off to the Costa Family; but I won’t let this man intimidate me. And what can this man actually do to me? If he tries to hurt me, Enzo will be here in the flash of a second.

That's one thing I can at least rely on the family for. As long I'm their property, they'll protect me from outside threats. The only real threat to my life is them.

But what if he's able to draw his gun quicker than Enzo can get to you?

"You have a mouth on you, huh?" he asks, but there's an amusement in his gaze that catches me off guard.

I clear my throat. "No. You never told me what I can get for you."

He only stares at me before turning to look at his acquaintances. He nods at them and they all quickly rattle off their orders. I write them down. "I'll be back," I say, turning on my heels and moving over to the bar. I look around the room, wondering why in the hell the men haven't drawn the eye of security or Enzo. There's no way they should be here.

I don't know as much about the gangs as I wish I did. But I know enough to know there are certain ones the Costa Family don't deal with. The seven quad gang is one. The man they made me watch get executed named them as their dealer and I'm informed enough to know the entire gang is black.

And sneaking suspicions tell me that's exactly who the men sitting at the table are.

I keep looking around, even as Dave places the shots in front of me. "Thanks," I tell him briefly, growing irritated when I still don't see any of the bouncers.

And where the fuck is Enzo?

With a clenched jaw, I move back to the table. I pull up short when I see there are two more additions to the table.

The man in the middle is looking at me pointedly as if challenging me to say something.

Instead, I place the drinks on the table. "You're not allowed to have guns in here," I tell him.

"Oh, really?" he asks, feigning shock. "Because no one stopped us from bringing them in." He offers me a shit eating smirk.

"And how did you get in?"

"Through the door, just like everyone else."

I know that he's baiting me, but I'm not stupid enough to take a bite. Instead, I need to get from over here and find someone more equipped to handle this. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

"No, but how about you come sit down with us?" one of the men asks, a leer on his face.

"I can't," I tell him shortly.
