Page 40 of Wolf Kiss

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“Great. This is for him.” He set the bag on the kitchen counter.

Brandy peeked inside. “The tennis ball launcher. You did see us in the pet store.”

“Aye, but I promise I’m not stalking you.” He held up his hands in innocence. “Today’s events were completely unplanned.” He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “I’m not sure what I’m doing here now.”

“You’re letting me thank you for keeping us from becoming road pizza.”

“Road pizza?”

“Yeah, road pizza. An ooey-gooey version of ourselves. I didn’t want to be ooey-gooey, and I certainly didn’t want Dylan to be either. That kid means everything to me. Everything.”

“Of course. You’re his mother.”

“Actually, I’m his aunt. My sister died giving birth to him so I’m raising him. He calls me Mom because I’m the only one he’s ever known.”Wow, loser, why don’t you tell him your life story?Jesus.

“Then he’s doubly precious to you.” The compassion in his eyes nearly made Brandy cry. “I’m honored to have saved you both today and delighted to share a meal.”

Brandy’s throat was too tight to reply, but she didn’t have to because Dylan and Meredith came in right at that moment.

“Hey, Reardon,” Dylan said. “Guess what? Alatorlovedthat tire toy. I told you he would. We played with it all afternoon.”

“You must have an excellent sense of what wolves find entertaining.” Reardon reached for the bag on the counter and handed it to Dylan. “You’ll have to experiment with this tomorrow.”

Dylan opened the bag and yanked out the tennis ball launcher, a smile the size of the sky on his face. “Yeah! Mom, can I take Reardon to meet Alator now and try this out?” He wiggled the launcher.

“Dinner first. Parker will be done with the steaks soon.” She ruffled Dylan’s hair when he pouted a little. “And you are planning to thank Reardon, correct?”

“Thank you, Reardon. Alator will be so excited to play with this. He loves running. I love running too.”

“Me too,” Reardon said.

Meredith shuffled up to Reardon and Brandy had to laugh at how small her mother looked next to the big man. “I’d like to thank you too,” she said. “I’m Meredith Wendon, and these two schmucks are my whole world. I would not have liked seeing them smooshed between two cars. That would have ruined my day.”

She stepped closer and hugged Reardon. Just like that. Because she was a grandmother, she could get away with such forwardness, while Brandy worked hard to keep from tossing herself at Reardon.

“I happened to be there,” Reardon said over Meredith’s head.

Meredith backed out of the hug, taking a moment to squeeze him around the bicep and raise an approving eyebrow at Brandy. “And a good thing you were. Now let’s eat.”

She nudged Dylan to the dining room table as Parker and Chella came in with the steaks. Brandy brought the side dishes over and everyone took their usual seats.

Everyone except Reardon who appeared to be waiting for her to sit first.Quite the gentleman.Almost as if he wasn’t from this time. She thought of Marshall who had nearly knocked her over to get the seat he wanted at the table in the restaurant.

“This is your seat, Reardon.” Dylan pointed to the one at the head of the table near both Brandy and Dylan.

“Aye. Thank you.” He stepped toward it, resting his hands on the back, but still not sitting until Brandy lowered into her seat. Then he sat, giving her a smile that made her hungry for dessert again.

Post-dessert really.


So this is what a home looks like?Reardon glanced around the tidy dining room, the food spread out on the table, the folks gathered around to share the meal. He’d never been a part of anything like this. Most of his meals as a child had been more of the stolen variety. A loaf of bread here, a piece of fruit there, always a found meal instead of a planned one. His mother wasn’t the cooking type either, so he and Jaemus had usually fended for themselves. Never had the three of them sat together at the same time and eaten the same food.

Not once.

Sitting here now with these people made conflicting emotions rise up inside him. On the one hand, he was thrilled to be amongst them, accepted into their group and enjoying their company—especially Brandy’s and Dylan’s. On the other hand, he couldn’t help feeling he didn’t quite belong there.

Of course he didn’t belong there. This wasn’t his home. This wasn’t his time. He had no right to insert himself into this family, but he couldn’t shake the sense that perhaps it was his destiny to be there. Saving Brandy and Dylan earlier today was clear evidence that his presence in Canville, Vermont meant something. At least to them anyway. Of course, they wouldn’t have been in any danger if Flidae wasn’t pissed at him.
