Page 7 of Wolf Kiss

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“I think Lug has a crush on her,” Meredith said.

Dylan crouched beside Lug by the cage. “Do wolves get crushes, Mom?”

“Umm…” She could definitely give him a lesson in the mating habits of wolves, but she had hoped to wait on that conversation a little bit longer.

Meredith snickered. “Everybody gets crushes. Love is what makes this planet spin, boy.”

Dylan’s brows furrowed over his blue eyes as he chewed on that for a few moments. He always considered new information carefully before accepting it. Brandy was sure he’d be an amazing scientist when he grew up, and while she was eager to see him become one, she also didn’t want this time—this little boy who still needed her time—to pass too quickly.

“Maybe Lug can get her to eat then.” Dylan got to his feet and opened Nymph’s cage.

As usual, she moved to the back, her wide eyes never leaving Dylan as he went to the bin and lifted out a large piece of meat. With a click of his tongue, he called Lug to come to him. The wolf lumbered over, his nose working overtime and his long, pink tongue licking his mouth in anticipation of an additional meal.

“Sit, boy.” Dylan held the meat out of reach as Lug dropped his back end in a sloppy sit. He wasn’t a dog after all, but for some reason, Dylan had managed to teach the wolf a few commands. “Good boy.”

After a solid head rubbing, Dylan put the meat on the floor between Lug and Nymph’s open cage. Lug eyed the meat, but didn’t budge because Dylan hadn’t told him to.

Brandy was overjoyed that Dylan had such a scientific approach to solving problems at the sanctuary. She loved watching him interact with the wolves and couldn’t wait to see what contributions he’d make to the world of wildlife biology.

“Look at how much Lug wants that meat, Nymph,” Dylan said in a soft, soothing voice. “He knows it’s so tasty.” He glanced back at Meredith and Brandy with a little smirk. “Even without barbecue sauce.”

Brandy nudged him with the tip of her boot. “Funny man.”

He turned his attention back to the wolves. “C’mon, Nymph. If you eat this, you’ll feel better and can run around outside with Lug and me.” He threw an arm around Lug who licked his cheek. “Wouldn’t that be fun, girl?”

Dylan nudged the meat a little closer to Nymph’s cage, and Brandy gasped softly when the wolf’s front paw crept forward. Meredith clamped a hand on Brandy’s forearm and the two of them shared a look of disbelief.

“That’s it, Nymph,” Dylan continued. “Come check it out. I’ll bet you’re hungry.” Again, he slid the meat closer.

Again, Nymph edged toward it.

Lug offered a quiet snuffle of encouragement and right before Brandy’s eyes, Nymph stuck her head out of the cage and sniffed the meat.

No one moved.

No one talked.

No one breathed.

In four quick bites, Nymph literallywolfeddown the meat. When she was done, she tilted her head as a large German shepherd might do and gave Lug a good once-over. Apparently deeming him not dangerous, she came out of the cage, sat beside him, and pushed her nose into his ear in a greeting.

Like a perfect gentleman, Lug stayed completely still as Nymph sniffed and inspected, judged and assessed. When she eased into a lie down position, Lug did the same and the two wolves looked at Dylan as if to say, “Okay, now what?”

Dylan whispered while barely moving, “Do you have any treats on you, Mom?”

Brandy dug in the pocket of her cargo shorts where treats could always be found and slowly handed him a few.

“What nice wolves,” he crooned as he held out both his hands, one to each wolf, with treats in his palm.

Lug snatched his treats and crunched noisily, while Nymph took a more gentle, polite approach.

“Amazing,” Meredith whispered. “The kid’s got a gift.”

“What he’s got is superior DNA.” Brandy elbowed Meredith.

“Nothing but truth in those words, honey.”

“I think this answers my question about wolf crushes,” Dylan said. “They fell in love like that.” He snapped his fingers.
